Destiny 2 Vault Size Increasing By 100 In Season 17

Bungie has announced that in Destiny 2‘s next season, players will get an increase to their vault space.

As outlined in the latest TWAB post, Bungie said that it would be increasing players vault size by 100 spaces, bringing the grand total to 600 items. This marks Destiny 2’s first expansion to player’s vault size in nearly four years, since the last time it received an increase was in Destiny 2’s lauded Forsaken expansion.

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Vault space, which has been viewed as a precious commodity by the most heavily invested Destiny 2 players, has been a frequent source of tension for the community since it last received an upgrade. It has not only been years since players vault spaces were bumped to 500 slots; countless seasons and three expansions chock full of armor and weapons have arrived in the game since then, meaning that vault space has been long overdue. For a game all about collecting rare and precious loot, the lack of updates to vault size began feeling hostile to many long-term players, and countless have taken to poking fun at the situation, with some content creators going so far as making videos of them clearing or roasting others vaults.

This issue hit a particular high point at the beginning of Destiny 2’s latest expansion, The Witch Queen, which introduced weapon crafting. However, weapon crafting necessitated holding onto various versions of weapons in order to use them and extract materials before players could discard them. This meant that even the most-spacious vaults started losing real estate to gear that players did not need, and players whose space was already dwindling had little else to do but accept that they’d have to delete things they’d been clinging to.

With crafting being streamlined in Destiny 2’s next, and currently still unknown, season next week, as well as the introduction of more vault space, it seems like Bungie has been listening to what its audience has been asking for. Countless content creators and players have taken online to post about how happy they are that they’re finally receiving a meaningful update to their vaults.

Bungie has been making waves of late, namely for being one of the largest game studios against the Supreme Court’s leaked decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. It also recently condemned the actions of the Buffalo shooter, noting that racist attacks like those often “begin within online communities that are used to recruit and radicalize individuals.”

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – All The Exotic Gear Revealed So FarSee More

About Moises Taveras

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