Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Raid Start Time

The new Destiny 2 raid that comes as part of The Witch Queen expansion, Vow of the Disciple, is officially starting very soon. You’ll be able to play it beginning March 5, and as with most Destiny 2 content, there will be a race to earn the World First title and the perks that come with it. Here’s what you need to know about the raid, including when it starts.

Vow of the Disciple officially unlocks on March 5 at 10 AM PT. As is standard, there will be limitations set in place–beyond the Exotics and weapon perks that have recently been disabled due to various issues that could break the raid’s encounters, Contest Mode will also be active. That will cap all players to 20 power below the recommendation for each encounter (somewhat similar to one of the ways Witch Queen’s legendary campaign increases the difficulty). During this time, Artifacts will not contribute to players’ power level. This all means that raiders will be limited to 1530 Power–a fairly achievable goal in the week and a half or so between the launch of The Witch Queen and that of the raid. (You can get tips on how to reach that point with our Witch Queen leveling guide.)

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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen raid start times

10 AM PT1 PM ET6 PM BST5 AM AET (March 6)

Contest Mode equalizes the playing field for new raids during their first 24 hours, as players race to be the first in the world to clear the new activity, locking everyone’s Power at a certain level. This in turn ensures that people who have had more time to play Destiny 2 don’t have an unfair advantage and also means that the difficulty of the raid is the same for everyone for that first day. That said, it’s usually elite groups of players who are the first to topple a new raid.

The race to earn a World’s First accolade in Destiny 2 normally makes for some fascinating viewing. Besides the bragging rights that a fireteam can earn from figuring out fiendishly difficult puzzles and energetic combat sections, there’s some real loot at the end of a raid as well.

Fireteams in the past have been rewarded with one-of-a-kind jackets celebrating their achievements, championship belts that would make AEW superstars jealous, and a place in Destiny history. You can watch along beginning at 10 AM PT on Saturday. You can get a taste of what to expect in the trailer below.

For now, there’s no shortage of content available in Destiny 2’s Witch Queen expansion. If you’re looking for more Witch Queen guides, check out five things you should do first in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, how to get the Exotic Catalyst for Grand Overture, how to get the Dead Messenger Exotic grenade launcher, and how to get Osteo Striga. Be sure to also check out our Witch Queen review-in-progress.

About Chris Pereira

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