Destiny 2 Weapon And Ascendant Alloy Drop Rates To Be Increased Soon

Drop rates for weapons in Destiny 2’s new Wellspring activity and rare Ascendant Alloy materials for weapon crafting will soon be adjusted in a new patch that will be released next week.

After analyzing player feedback, Bungie explained in a new blog post that the drop chances for both standard and Deepsight Resonance versions of weapons from the Wellspring will be increased, thus helping players to progress further on Evidence Board quests from the Enclave.

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The six-player matchmade activity generally has a chance to reward Guardians with one of four Throne World-themed weapons–such as the Tarnation grenade launcher or the Come to Pass auto rifle–that have a variety of perks attached to them, but those odds have not been in the favor of players.

The other issue being addressed next week is the availability of Ascendant Alloys. One of the rarest materials in the game for weapon crafting, Ascendant Alloys can be earned from high-level and challenging activities or bought from Master Rahool in the Tower for a hefty price every week. Rahool’s stock fluctuates though, as inventory of it appears to be bugged for several players.

Bungie plans to increase the drop rates of the material in Master Wellspring completions based on player completion level, which means higher chances at earning Ascendant Alloys for Gold and Platinum completions, defeating champions, and completing the activity quickly.

This week saw a hotfix released for Destiny 2 that addressed a number of smaller issues and exploits that players had discovered. For more on the game, you can check out our Destiny 2: The Witch Queen review in progress, take a closer look at the Hive God of War Xivu Arath, and ponder if we’re actually the bad guys in The Witch Queen expansion.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – All The Exotic Gear Revealed So FarSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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