Destiny 2: Where Is Xur This Week? Exotic Items / Location Guide (Feb. 12-16)

The Season of the Chosen is here in Destiny 2, bringing a whole lot of changes to the game. Xur’s visits haven’t changed, however, and he’s still appearing each week to sell you Exotic weapons and armor as you complete your collection. The game wouldn’t be the same without him.

Head to the Tower, to the Hangar area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering Hard Light. Hunters can pick up the Young Ahamkara’s Spine gauntlets; for Titans, there’s the Dunemarchers leg armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Felwinter’s Helm helmet.

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Xur Location

Spawn in at the central Tower transmat zone and hang a left to head down to the Hangar section. When you get to the bottom of the stairs and the Hangar proper, turn left again and make your way to the north end of the area, near the edge that overlooks the Last City. You’ll find Xur up another short flight of stairs that leads to a catwalk, looking out over the edge.

Xur Exotic Items

The first weapon Xur is bringing players for the Season of the Chosen is Hard Light, a mainstay auto rifle in both PvP and PvE. It has fast, steady fire, which makes it great in the Crucible, but its real usefulness lies in its ability to change elements on the fly–which makes it great for tough missions with Match Game like Harbinger. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsHard Light — 29 legendary shardsYoung Ahamkara’s Spine — 23 legendary shardsDunemarchers — 23 legendary shardsFelwinter’s Helm — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — free

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Hard Light (Auto Rifle)

You can get a lot done with Hard Light, in a variety of situations. First, the gun fires a fast, steady stream of auto rifle rounds that can ricochet off hard surfaces. Bounce it off a surface and the gun gains bonus damage, which makes it great in the Crucible–try bouncing it around corners toward enemies approaching in tight hallways. In PvE, you can take advantage of the gun’s ability to change elements in the middle of a fight, making it great for breaking shields.

Young Ahamkara’s Spine (Hunter)

The Young Ahamkara’s Spine gauntlets are excellent if like setting traps and blowing up enemies with Tripmine grenades. The gauntlets give you grenade energy whenever you do damage with your abilities–including your grenades–while also making them last longer when you set them and blow up bigger when they finally detonate. That makes them great for taking down lots of enemies in PvE, or stealthily ruining someone’s day in the Crucible with a grenade they didn’t know was there.


Mobility: 10Resilience: 14Recovery: 7Discipline: 12Intellect: 10Strength: 9Total: 62

Dunemarchers (Titan)

Lately, a lot more Titans have been using Dunemarchers in the Crucible because of how deadly they’ve become. The leg armor increases your sprint speed and builds up static electricity as you run. Melee attack an enemy with that build-up and you’ll release a burst of chain lightning that will bounce around nearby enemies. The distance the lightning chains is pretty significant and it deals a lot of damage, so Dunemarchers can be extremely lethal to tight groups in any activity. Pair them with a speedy melee build and you can go on a tear.


Mobility: 8Resilience: 13Recovery: 10Discipline: 9Intellect: 6Strength: 15Total: 61

Felwinter’s Helm (Warlock)

Felwinter’s Helm is one of those weapons that gives you an edge when wading into a big group of enemies. Whenever you land a melee ability kill while wearing the helm, you release an explosion of energy that weakens surrounding enemies. The tougher the baddie that you kill, the bigger the blast radius, and that goes for Finishers as well. If you’re the kind of Warlock who likes to get their hands dirty and fight up close, Felwinter’s Helm can help keep you alive against the odds.


Mobility: 18Resilience: 6Recovery: 6Discipline: 14Intellect: 2Strength: 14Total: 60

About Phil Hornshaw

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