Destiny 2: Where Is Xur This Week? Exotic Items / Location Guide (January 22-26)

This week saw a tough new mission appear in Destiny 2. The new Harbinger quest functions like The Whisper or Zero Hour, forcing you through some tough battles but allowing you to earn versions of the Exotic hand cannon Hawkmoon with fresh sets of perks. If you’re struggling with Harbinger, you might want to hit up Xur this week as he returns to the solar system with a fresh batch of Exotics that can help you survive. Head to The EDZ, to the Winding Cove area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering Skyburner’s Oath. Hunters can pick up the Lucky Raspberry chest armor; for Titans, there’s the Actium War Rig chest armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has Karnstein Armlets gauntlets.

Xur Location

Spawn in at the Tower’s central transmat zone to find Xur this week. When you load in, turn left and head down the stairs to the Hangar area. When you enter it, turn left and walk to the north end of the area, then take the stairs up to the catwalk. Xur is hanging out near the edge of the area, overlooking the Last City.

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Xur Exotic Items

Skyburner’s Oath is Xur’s weapon this week, and it’s a great Exotic specifically for taking down Cabal enemies. When fighting the Cabal, you get increased damage–but it can also be effective against other targets thanks to its seeking projectiles. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsSkyburner’s Oath — 29 legendary shardsLucky Raspberry– 23 legendary shardsActium War Rig — 23 legendary shardsKarnstein Armlets — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — free

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Skyburner’s Oath (Scout Rifle)

Tuned specifically for taking on the Cabal, Skyburner’s Oath can be very effective when fighting space rhinos. When you fire from the hip, the scout rifle fires seeking slugs that also explode; when you aim down the sights, the slugs are faster, fire slower, deal more damage, and shoot straight. Skyburner’s Oath also penetrates Phalanx shields, making them way easier to deal with.

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Lucky Raspberry (Hunter)

Lucky Raspberry is for Hunters who like Arcbolt grenades. The chest armor makes the chain lightning capabilities of your grenades even more effective, chaining to more enemies. Every time your grenade does damage, it has a chance to fully recharge.


Mobility: 15Resilience: 7Recovery: 9Discipline: 15Intellect: 6Strength: 9Total: 61

Actium War Rig (Titan)

For Titans, Actium War Rig helps keep them in the fight. The chest armor keeps steadily pushing more bullets into the magazines of your equipped assault rifle or machine gun, helping to keep them from running dry in a firefight situation. It’s not a full replacement for reloading, but it can help you keep spraying bullets.


Mobility: 29Resilience: 3Recovery: 3Discipline: 15Intellect: 6Strength: 10Total: 66

Karnstein Armlets (Warlock)

Warlocks who like punching people can get a lot of use out of Karnstein Armlets. The gauntlets heal you when you kill enemies with your melee, giving you one big shot of health and continuing to restore health for a short time after the kill. That makes them very effective in both PvP and PvE situations–they can do a lot to keep you alive.


Mobility: 8Resilience: 20Recovery: 7Discipline: 15Intellect: 2Strength: 13Total: 65

About Phil Hornshaw

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