Destiny 2: Where Is Xur This Week? Exotic Items / Location Guide (March 12-16)

The weekend has arrived in Destiny 2 and with it comes Xur, purveyor of Exotic weapons and armor. With the Trials of Osiris restored after two weeks off and tougher Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes on their way, it’s a great time to visit Xur and pick up some new high-caliber weapons and armor.

Head to the Tower, to the Hangar area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering Monte Carlo. Hunters can pick up the Knucklehead Radar helmet; for Titans, there are the Synthoceps gauntlets; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Winter’s Guile gauntlets.

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Xur Location

Spawn in at the Tower in the central transmat location, then turn left to head down the stairs to the Hangar section. When you reach the hangar, turn left and head to the north end of the area, toward the edge of the hangar. You’ll find Xur up the stairs, standing on a catwalk in the corner of the area, behind the Dead Orbit section.

Xur Exotic Items

Monte Carlo is Xur’s weapon this week, and it’s a solid option for PvE and PvP activities. The gun stacks damage both for kills with Monte Carlo and melee kills, giving you plenty of excuse to rush straight into every battle. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsMonte Carlo — 29 legendary shardsKnucklehead Radar — 23 legendary shardsSynthoceps — 23 legendary shardsWinter’s Guile — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — free

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Monte Carlo (Assault Rifle)

Monte Carlo is your gun if you like front-line fighting and punching as many enemies as you shoot. The gun creates a feedback loop with your melee ability–as you get kills with the gun, your melee cooldown is reduced and each kill gives a chance to fully recharge your melee. Killing enemies with the gun and with your melee ability increases Monte Carlo’s damage, and melee kills give you more ammo. Deck yourself out with a high-Resistance build that favors melee, and Monte Carlo can chew up lots of enemies in PvE or PvP without issue.

Knucklehead Radar (Hunter)

Knucklehead Radar is one of those reliable standby Exotics that’s always a great choice in the Crucible. The helmet maintains your radar even when you’re aiming down the sights of your gun, which can be a massive advantage in all cases when you’re fighting other players. It also gives enhanced radar when you’re crouched, which makes it easier to pinpoint enemy locations as they’re coming toward you–making getting the drop on opponents way easier.


Mobility: 9Resilience: 3Recovery: 2Discipline: 8Intellect: 9Strength: 14Total: 64

Synthoceps (Titan)

Synthoceps is for Titans who like to punch their way out of bad situations. The gauntlets increase your melee range, which can be essential for finishing a fight in the Crucible. It also enhances the damage your melee and Super abilities deal when you’re surrounded, so if you like running into groups of Guardians or just mixing it up in PvE, Synthoceps can help make sure you Hulk-smash everyone in your path. It’s also a pretty good pairing with Monte Carlo.


Mobility: 14Resilience: 15Recovery: 3Discipline: 15Intellect: 2Strength: 11Total: 60

Winter’s Guile (Warlock)

Warlocks also get a boon to their melee attacks with Xur’s offering this week. Winter’s Guile increases the strength of your melee strikes for every melee kill you earn. If you’re grabbing Monte Carlo from Xur as well, these two make a good team, with your melee kills boosting your melee and your gun, and your gun recharging your melee.


Mobility: 11Resilience: 10Recovery: 10Discipline: 6Intellect: 25Strength: 2Total: 64

About Phil Hornshaw

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