After 10 Years, Destiny 2 Will Soon Let You Change Your Characters' Faces

Bungie is finally adding the ability to change your Destiny 2 characters’ faces and body types with an update ahead of its next expansion, The Final Shape.

The update was announced in Bungie’s weekly This Week In Destiny blog post with some details about how the new character customization options will work. Players will be able to alter their characters’ physical appearances, including their body types, genders, facial characteristics, hair, and markings like scars or tattoos. Basically, it sounds like Bungie is just unlocking the character creation options available when you create a new character in the game.

Notably, you’ll be free to make these adjustments at any time after the update goes live, and there are no currencies associated with making character changes–you’re free to change your characters as much as you want, whenever you want. The one thing you can’t change about your characters, however, is their underlying race. Destiny 2 characters can be either Human, Exo (essentially robot people), or Awoken (blue-skinned folks created by a fateful collision of Destiny 2’s Light and Darkness powers). So while you can change everything else about your characters, you can’t change a Human into an Exo, for example.

This is a pretty huge change, as Destiny 2 players’ characters have been unchanged since they were created. If you started the game at Destiny 2’s launch, you’ve been using the same characters since 2017. But if you played the original Destiny since it launched, and transferred your characters into Destiny 2, you’ve been unable to even give your characters a haircut since 2014–a full decade.

What Bungie didn’t state definitively in the blog post is when this update is going live, although it did say it will be before The Final Shape. According to the blog post, Bungie intends to raise the caps on bounties that reward Synthweave, the currency used for armor transmogrification, in March. That move will allow for even more options in personalizing the look of your Guardian. From the sounds of things, we can expect the character customization update sometimes after the Synthweave update, but before The Final Shape. That should put it somewhere between March and May, if the Synthweave update is in March and The Final Shape launches on June 4.

About Phil Hornshaw

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