Destiny 2 Witch Queen Bugs: Overload Mods, Glaive Melee, PsiOps Power Level

Destiny 2’s new update went live ahead of The Witch Queen’s launch today, and just like any new piece of content, it has some bugs. Bungie has released a list of known issues to be aware of before diving into the new content, so you don’t think it’s a problem on your end. That includes issues with Overload mods, kill tracking with glaive melees or Volatile explosions, and more.

Once you get your hands on the new season’s Artifact, you may be tempted to invest in the Overload auto rifle and SMG mods. However, Bungie says that after stunning an Overload Champion, these mods don’t disrupt health regeneration as they should. As such, you may want to pick other Artifact mods until this is resolved.

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The new glaive weapon type is one of the more exciting additions in The Witch Queen thanks to its versatility. But if you opt to use a glaive’s melee attack, Bungie says those melee kills won’t count for kill tracker progress. There are also certain, unspecified perks that should be triggered by melee attacks that won’t be activated by the glaive. One particular glaive, The Enigma, has seen its Grave Robber perk disabled, but this will be re-enabled in a hotfix, though no date for that was shared.

Next, the Volatile debuff–the Void subclass one that can cause some ultra-satisfying chain explosions–“may not” count toward bounty progress when enemies are killed with its area-of-effect damage. While not a huge issue, it could prove frustrating, particularly with Void being a popular choice right now with the launch of the Void 3.0 system.

Bungie is also introducing a new activity type, but the recommended power level for its playlist–PsiOps Battlegrounds–isn’t displayed in-game. The recommendation is to be at 1500 Power, which is the new soft cap (meaning the level you can reach through normal item drops you’ll obtain by playing). All players are being boosted to 1350 in order to let them dive into the new expansion and season’s content right away.

While exploring the Throne World, the new major location, some Ghost tracking mods won’t show destination materials or chests, and some buffs. And finally, some buffs and debuffs are missing their icons, though again, Bungie didn’t say which ones are impacted.

Beyond all of this, Bungie has highlighted a PS4 preloading issue, which will force players on that platform to wait until 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET to download “required content” that will total about 72 GB. The large size is due to a change on that platform meant to reduce the overall install size, but it essentially requires redownloading the entire game. However, that process can’t be completed in advance as intended, meaning PS4 players may be stuck waiting hours to download the game.

Bungie has also warned players to expect server queues once Witch Queen releases, which will happen at 9 AM PT. For an idea of what to expect, check out everything we know about Witch Queen and our Destiny 2 story recap.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – All The Exotic Gear Revealed So FarSee More

About Chris Pereira

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