Destiny 2’s Crafting Will See Major Changes, Starting With Higher Caps On Materials

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen introduced a new method of obtaining weapons that still kept the grind but made it easier to get desired rolls. However, Bungie’s recent news post shared upcoming changes for weapon crafting based on player feedback.

Bungie said that players are reaching the maximum amount of crafting materials quickly–making it an inconvenience. Hotfix releasing on March 22 will increase the cap of element materials from 250 to 1,000. Neutral Element will be capped at 10,000 instead of 8,500. Players can get these currencies by completing the attunement on Deepsight Resonance weapons–the ones with the red border–and extracting its resources.

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When Season 17 comes around, the following materials will be removed entirely: Adroit, Drowned, Energetic, Mutable, and Ruinous elements. However, players will still need Neutral Element for crafting.

Bungie acknowledged that it originally had specific crafting materials for individual traits, but opted to create a simple way of managing materials by having just five elements. Ultimately this led to the lack of necessity for chasing after specific element materials–and these materials sometimes conflicted with the rare quality Ascendant Alloys, used for crafting Enhanced Traits, according to Bungie.

The developer also mentioned that it is looking into player control over unlocking weapon Patterns and weapon Reshaping costs since some players have voiced that they would like to experiment with other traits without worrying about their materials. Bungie said it will “monitor Deepsight weapon stockpiling, acquisition rates and progression, as well as Resonant Alloy acquisition rates and behavior.”

The TWAB also shared a roadmap of the Season of the Risen’s upcoming events.

About Saniya Ahmed

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