Here’s something you may not have realised about Destiny 2‘s Dawning event: players will be able to level up crafted weapons faster for the duration of the holiday event, with bonus progress awarded while completing activities.
The buff was pointed out by Bungie community manager dmg04 on Twitter, who added that using snowballs to defeat enemies will also count towards levelling up any crafted weapons players have equipped. This little bonus will be helpful for players who want to level up weapons without having to go through a ton of ammo to do so.
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The buffs to weapon levelling will be in place until The Dawning event ends on January 3, so make sure you make the most of it before then.
The Dawning is Destiny 2’s regular winter-themed seasonal holiday, with this year’s event bringing back many familiar features from past years. Check out our guide to all this year’s ingredients, recipes, and rewards, as well as what’s changed from previous events.