Destiny 2's Grind Will Become Easier In The Witch Queen Expansion

Destiny 2’s grind is set to become easier once The Witch Queen expansion launches, as developer Bungie outlined new changes to how the game’s reputation system will function from February 22. Reputation can be earned from a variety of sources within Destiny 2, and once enough has been accumulated to earn a new rank, players can unlock rewards such as seasonal ritual weapons from an activity’s associated vendor.

In the latest Destiny blog post, Bungie broke down details on how the grind will essentially be shortened in ritual Strike playlists with reputation gains increasing if a player starts a streak within a specific activity.

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On the PvP side of Destiny 2, Trials of Osiris will also benefit from these changes based on how many rounds a player wins in a match. Bungie explained that this will incentivize its players to jump into the multiplayer mode, which has been heavily overhauled over the last few months.

For the rest of the Crucible though, Bungie is satisfied with the speed at which players earn rankings and reputation. While this may change in the future, Guardians can also look forward to revamped versions of the Iron Banner and Gambit in the near future, with feedback from those events also informing Bungie of any potential changes that might benefit other Crucible modes.

Elsewhere in Destiny 2, a new patch has gone live and fixes a few minor issues within the game. As The Witch Queen expansion draws closer, other changes on the horizon include fewer trash loot drops, more Gunsmith materials, and power cap changes.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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