Destiny 2's Guardian Games Are Back With Some Big Changes And An Amazing SMG

Destiny 2’s Guardian Games will return on May 3, with this year’s edition offering some significant tweaks to the annual competition between Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans. While the gist of Guardian Games remains the same–you compete by completing different activities and bounties to earn medallions, which you bank at the Podium in the Tower to score points for your class–Bungie has made the event more competitive.

Much like previous Guardian Games, medallions can be earned by completing certain activities and mini-quests through Contender cards and Platinum cards, Bungie explained in its This Week at Bungie blog post. Some cards will reward higher-tier medallions if you complete raids, dungeons, and competitive PvP activities, other cards will offer less but still valuable points through Gambit, Vanguard Strikes, Quickplay Crucible, and other Throne World activities.

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Gold medals can be earned by completing Contender Cards in easier activities, whereas Platinum medals drop when Platinum Cards are completed on tougher content. As long as you’re taking part in weekly activities, you’ll be earning medallions for your class.

What’s new this year is Strike Scoring, which factors in playtime only for Guardian Games playlists. Strike medals are designed to be rewarded to players for pulling off impressive feats–like stylishly clearing a zone of enemies with your Light and Darkness powers–and these changes emphasize that rushing through a Strike pays out less in the medal department. The Guardian Games can be broken up into two playlists, that make when you play matter.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

The Training playlist where you can earn practice scores, which is the combined score of your entire fireteam.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday

The Competitive playlist, where’ll you be battling it out for rewards.

Players can earn buffs in the Recreational, Training, and Competitive playlists by ranking bronze, silver, gold, or platinum, and can use those enhancements in the regular Vanguard Ops playlists until they expire in the next weekly reset. Players will also be able to unlock torches to light in the Tower based on their highest score up to a certain threshold, which can be used to add a glow to your Guardian’s armor once all torches are lit. It’s purely cosmetic, but at least you’ll look great.

Bungie says that the overall structure for Guardian Games is designed to focus on skill level, rewarding players with higher scores for taking on tougher activities and enemies, and completing an activity in a timely manner.

There’ll be new bounties to keep you engaged, with the main reward being a powerful Hakke Void SMG for the Energy slot. Bungie says that this weapon has an aggressive frame with a unique origin perk, Classy Contender, which grants class ability energy with final blows from this weapon.

Class Items can also be earned, as well as another shot at the Exotic machine gun Heir Apparent and its catalyst during Guardian Games. Finally, players that score in the top 10% at the end of the event will also get a shiny new emblem to add to their collection. For more on Destiny 2, you can check out why we should feel bad for killing environmentalist Savathun the Witch Queen, a potentially huge change for Gambit in the future, and upcoming Exotic weapon buffs.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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