Destiny 2's King's Fall Raid Gets More Challenging With Master Mode Difficulty Next Week

King’s Fall is one of Destiny 2‘s most iconic Raids, and for those players looking to play the pinnacle PvE activity in its most challenging form, they can start preparing for a Master Raid run from next week. After the Destiny 2 weekly reset on September 20, Master King’s Fall will be live and will feature extra rewards for any fireteam confident enough to take on the Taken King at his most powerful.

All encounters are set at Power level 1600, several points above the current seasonal power cap of 1580. You can shorten that gap slightly with the Skeleton Key seasonal artifact if you’ve unlocked its additional power but be prepared for a version of King’s Fall where every inhabitant of Oryx’s Dreadnaught hits much harder and faster.

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Now Playing: Destiny: The Taken King – King's Fall Raid Teaser Trailer

To sweeten the pot, Bungie has added stat-focused armor as a reward, and completing encounter-based challenges will award players with Adept weapons. In the normal mode for King’s Fall, completing these challenges will reward players with extra encounter loot and the objectives will rotate in and out on a weekly schedule.

Depending on the perk rolls and stats of the armor that players can earn, this could be the best of the best gear up for grabs if a fireteam can survive the wrath of the Taken King, his daughters, and Gologoroth. It’s not clear yet which path Bungie is taking for Adept weapon rewards, as Vault of Glass hands out high-end weapons with a curated roll while Vow of the Disciple gives out random Adept weapons upon completion of its challenges.

If you want to start working on a strategy, you can check out the King’s Fall Raid guide for tips, tricks, and walkthroughs through each challenging encounter. In other Destiny 2 news, the PvP Control mode now has a Quitter penalty, Titan Exotic Loreley’s Splendor has been nerfed, and you can see where Xur is when he enters the Sol system for another weekend of arms dealing.

Five Years Of Destiny 2's Dramatic, Transformational ChangesSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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