Destiny 2's Quicksilver Storm Exotic Bug Fix Coming In This Week's Update

Update: Bungie has confirmed a fix for two bugged Destiny 2 Exotic weapons–Quicksilver Storm and Touch of Malice–is on the way in an update releasing this week. As noted below, both weapons have been dealing less damage than intended against minor enemies (those with red health bars), which is particularly problematic given the clock is ticking on this season’s Artifact mods, which pair nicely with Quicksilver Storm. Players have also reported dealing less damage with Quicksilver Storm after equipping its catalyst, which changes the weapon’s damage type to Strand. It’s unclear if that trade-off is intended or not, but the gun should at least be more viable soon. The original story follows.

Quicksilver Storm, one of the more versatile Exotic weapons in Destiny 2, has been broken since the launch of the Lightfall expansion. A Kinetic-slot auto rifle that can also fire homing rockets and can be transformed into a grenade launcher, the current issue with this weapon is that it has lost its 40% damage boost against red bar–AKA cannon fodder–enemies.

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Bungie did acknowledge this on Lightfall launch day, but since then, the company has kept quiet on what the root cause of the issue is with this Exotic weapon and when a fix can be expected. When pressed for answers on Reddit, Bungie simply replied that it has “required more time than desired to solve” and that Quicksilver Storm is a “complicated” weapon to fix.

While Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 having malfunction issues isn’t a rare occurrence–just look at the history of Telesto–what makes the Quicksilver Storm situation more pressing is that without its damage boost, it makes it very hard to recommend the weapon during more challenging activities such as Legend lost sectors and Master Nightfalls.

Even with its Exotic catalyst unlocked, which changes Quicksilver Storm’s damage type to Strand, which can potentially work very well with the new subclass and specific seasonal artifact mods, the auto rifle remains a liability in high-level content. Nano-entanglement also creates Tangles from final blows using the grenade launcher mode, but in its current state, there are better Exotic weapons to use. Time is also running out to make use of these mods, which are meant to transform auto rifles into Champion-slaying machines.

A number of other issues are being looked at in Destiny 2, with fixes having already been applied to Cabal Threshers that were causing too much damage and an overhaul for the Empowered Finish armor mod that was causing a number of balancing problems. In another raid-focused update, you can also expect Nezarec to be more proactive when your Warlocks activate their Well of Radiance Super during that final encounter.

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About Chris Pereira

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