Destiny 2's Season Of The Splicer May Be Bringing Back The Beloved Hung Jury Weapon

A new season of Destiny 2 is around the corner, and with it comes not only a number of changes to how the game plays but also a fresh selection of weapons to add to any arsenal. In Bungie’s latest weekly update post, the developer teased that fans of the original Destiny can expect three “familiar” weapons to appear in Season of the Splicer.

One of those weapons appears to be Hung Jury, which was spotted in a preview image for the upcoming season. The Omolon-produced weapon was a favorite in Destiny, due to its stable handling and a range of perks that made it essential for players who could land precision shots on enemies. Firefly and Triple Tap–which gave players explosive headshots, increased reload speeds, and rounds returning to the magazine–all became essential perk rolls on this particular weapon.

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While Firefly isn’t an available perk in Destiny 2, its nearest equivalent is Dragonfly and Bungie has teased that once combined with Artifact mods, some weapons will be turned “up to 11” as players begin to grind for perfect rolls. Each weapon will be on a weekly rotation in Nightfall playlists, and increasing the difficulty will give players a higher drop chance for desired rolls. Grandmaster Nightfalls will become available from June 22 and will introduce Adept versions of each weapon.

The rest of the upcoming season will have a number of other activities to try out as well, ranging from traditional Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris PvP to the new Override six-player event, the return of the Solstice of the Heroes event, and a new take on the legendary Vault of Glass raid. Season of the Splicer starts on May 11 and runs until August 24.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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