Destiny 2's Void Subclass Changes Will Be "Pretty Spicy," Dev Says

Many of Destiny 2‘s past changes have focused on Stasis powers, but Bungie is now turning its attention to Void subclasses. These will get significantly changed in the upcoming Witch Queen expansion to bring them more in line with Stasis, and GameSpot recently had the chance to speak with game director Joe Blackburn to get a few more details on what the subclass overhaul will entail.

Back in August, when Bungie first revealed The Witch Queen, it also announced that the expansion will include Void 3.0. This update will be a big rework of how Void subclasses currently operate, giving players the ability to apply three negative effects to enemies and three positive effects to teammates. It will also be overhauled to increase customization through the use of Aspects and Fragments.

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Blackburn assuaged concerns that long-time players might have about these changes, saying that veterans won’t have to completely re-earn their subclass abilities. “If they’re a regular Destiny player, if they’ve put their time in, [they will find] that there’s going to be a ton of aspects and fragments, all the supers you’d expect to be there,” he explained.

Blackburn also stated that much of the philosophy behind the rework is to give every Void player more options through the use of class-agnostic fragments. These will allow Titans to use powers that may have previously been most similar to Warlock abilities, for instance. “You look at fragments and fragments are now generic across all the classes,” Blackburn shared. “And so there’s a ton of stuff there that you’re like, “Oh, I couldn’t do this on my Titan before.” Right? Or, “I couldn’t do this on my Warlock before.” And some of those are pretty spicy and pretty exciting.”

This update will make Void much more similar to the Stasis subclass rather than the two other Light subclasses. For fans of Arc or Solar, the same sort of reworks are coming to those subclasses too. Blackburn suggested that Arc and Solar would be overhauled in subsequent seasons after The Witch Queen’s launch.

You’ll have to wait to play with Void’s new coat of paint until The Witch Queen is released on February 22, 2022. In the meantime, Season of the Lost is underway and you can read about how to navigate Week 6’s challenges here.

About Alex Newhouse

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