Destruction AllStars DLC Roadmap Outlined, Game Priced At $20

Developer Lucid Games has outlined the upcoming content plans for Destruction AllStars over the next several months, and it also gave a price for the game once its PS Plus promotion ends. As of April 6, the game will cost $20, so if you’re a Plus subscriber, claim it while you can.

According to a post on the PlayStation Blog, March and April will both bring new playlists, double XP weekends, new character Challenge Series missions, and more. You can check out the breakdown of those below, and Lucid promises it will return in March with more details on its April roadmap.

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Now Playing: Destruction All Stars Mayhem Mode Gameplay

The Challenges Series will introduce single-player stories revolving around AllStar characters and their Rival, complete with cinematics explaining the conflict. The events will feature win conditions along with bonus challenges to encourage replay, and completing them will get you exclusive skins and other cosmetics.

The blog also outlines a handful of different modes. The time trial Crash Course has you race through gates while collecting time canisters to extend the clock, while evading your rival. Break Time has you smash all of the score crates within an allotted time, on foot or in your vehicle. Transporter has you taxiing passengers to their destinations, but of course, you’ll be hunted by your rival all along. Skirmish pits you against your rival to smash vehicles. And finally, Showdown is a head-to-head against your rival–but they don’t fight fair, bringing their crew along to fight as well.

Destruction AllStars is a PS5 exclusive car combat game, and it was released as a free bonus for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Sony has been offering relatively high-profile PS5 games at launch as Plus bonuses since the PS5 released, including Bugsnax. A Plus subscription also includes the Plus Collection, a spate of popular and critically successful PS4 games that can be claimed on PS5.


Featured Playlist: Mayhem 8v8 (Playable in a party!**)Featured Playlist: Stockpile 4v4Double XP WeekendsBluefang’s Challenge Series10 New Skins


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About Steve Watts

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