Deviation Games Says Its PlayStation Exclusive Will Be "Big In Scope"

Deviation Games says its upcoming PlayStation exclusive will be “big in scope.” The brand new studio, set up by former Treyarch developers Dave Anthony and Jason Blundell, made its first appearance during last week’s Summer Game Fest kickoff event by announcing that it’s working on a “groundbreaking” new IP for Sony.

“Make no mistake: This game is gonna be big in scope,” CEO Anthony said in a recent interview with Eurogamer. Deviation has already been working on the game for over a year at this point and has over 100 people on staff. The game’s still a ways out, though, and Anthony is keen to hire more developers to continue building up the studio with the right people and the right culture.

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With the game being this far out, Deviation and Sony are keeping tight-lipped on any specifics, even when it comes to platforms. With that said, PlayStation Studios’ Hermen Hulst is clearly excited to talk about the potential of the new partnership. “Together we’re bringing a new IP that’s bold, that stands on the shoulders of what these guys have learned over their careers that speak for themselves,” Hulst said. “We’re always looking to offer fresh new experiences to the audience, to the PlayStation community. It’s also an honour for me as the head of PlayStation Studios to find a group like Jason, Dave, and their team to work with us.”

Even if it’s too early to go into any details, Anthony and Blundell’s pedigree with first-person shooters does make it easy to speculate that this new IP would follow a similar path. Factor in the first-person shooter-sized gap in PlayStation’s portfolio, and it would make sense for Deviation to fill it.

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About Richard Wakeling

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