Diablo 3 Season 28 Will Introduce An All-New Meta Progression System

Diablo III’s upcoming Season 28 will introduce a whole new way for players to progress their characters, but not without some sacrifices.

The new system, called the Altar of Rites, is a talent-tree-like system where players will make choices on account-wide character buffs and Legendary potions that will last the entirety of Season 28. Unlocking the first node is the same for all players–kill streak timers and reward bonuses are doubled. From there, players will have to make some hard decisions as they go down the branching talent tree, with each node being progressively more expensive to unlock.

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There look to be some truly wild buffs further down the tree, ranging from 15% increased damage across the board to the ability for pets to pick up and salvage common, magic, and rare items, Torchlight-style. The Legendary potions also look to put a major spin on moment-to-moment gameplay, such as one potion granting a random shrine or pylon effect whenever consumed or the ability to always receive two Primal items whenever a single Primal item drops. However, unlocking most of these upgrades won’t be easy. Players will need to sacrifice increasingly rare materials at the altar to gain access to the various upgrades, all the while learning more about Sanctuary’s “tumultuous past,” Blizzard writes in a blog post on the subject.

Unlocking every seal and Legendary potion offered through the Altar of Rites is its own reward, but Blizzard is throwing a cherry on top. Completing the talent-tree will unlock a unique Wings of Terror cosmetic item that looks to be inspired by Diablo himself.

There is no release date just yet for when Season 28 will start, but fans can test out the new system and all the various class changes on the game’s public test realm starting January 31.

Diablo IV, meanwhile, is slated to arrive on June 6, following reports of a difficult development cycle. That will likely make Diablo III Season 28 the last season before the arrival of the next game in the series, as most seasons typically last around five months. Amidst concern from fans that Diablo IV may follow in the footsteps of the free-to-play Diablo Immortal, Blizzard has clarified exactly how Diablo IV’s battle-pass system will work, stating there will be no way for players to increase their characters’ power by spending money.

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About Cameron Koch

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