Diablo 4's Battle Pass Will Take Roughly 80 Hours To Complete

Diablo IV’s battle pass will take roughly 80 hours to complete, according to a new interview with associate game director Joe Piepiora.

In an interview with MMORPG, Piepiora explained how the game’s seasons will work and what exactly players can expect from Diablo IV’s battle pass. Each season will feature a season journey similar to that of Diablo III, with Piepiora calling the system “not altogether wildly different from the format we had there that we liked so much.”

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Completing various seasonal objectives, as well as defeating monsters, finishing quests, and participating in other activities will earn players favor, which is used to progress the game’s battle pass. As previously detailed, Diablo IV’s battle passes will come in both free and premium forms.

“That said, the battle pass when you are figuring in completing the season journey alongside doing other content in the game, you’re looking at roughly 80 hours worth of time invested to complete the entirety of the battle pass,” Piepiora said.

Reaching Diablo IV’s level cap of 100 would take a “little longer than that based on how you play,” according to Piepiora.

Seasons will include additional story content, something Piepiora recently mentioned in a previous interview will be introduced every three months. What wasn’t known was whether or not seasonal story content would be permanent additions to Diablo IV. According to Piepiora, seasonal story content will be temporary and only playable during the specific season it was introduced. However, if the team were ever to add larger story additions that continued the main story of Diablo IV or could possibly lead into future expansions, those would be “persistent and available for all players at all times.”

Blizzard recently elaborated on what players can expect from Diablo IV’s endgame in the form of a developer video. After completing Diablo IV’s main campaign, players will participate in Helltides out in the game’s open world and complete more challenging Nightmare versions of standard dungeons to earn rewards and further progress their characters via the game’s Paragon Board system. Blizzard will be offering more endgame details, as well as addressing beta feedback, in a developer livestream on April 20.

Diablo IV releases on June 6, and though it will include a battle pass and an in-game shop, Blizzard has stressed it will not allow players to spend money to become more powerful.

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About Cameron Koch

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