Diablo 4 – Best Rogue Builds Guide

The Rogue in Diablo 4 is one of the more complicated classes to play, largely due to a focus on applying buffs and debuffs in combat. Despite this, the Rogue can also have an incredibly high damage output against both single-target enemies and large groups, if you know how to build right. The Rogue can be built for Poison, Ice, or Shadow damage, as well as an emphasis on either single-target or multi-target attacks.

This build will cover which active abilities, passives, and upgrades you should grab to maximize each build’s potential.

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Table of Contents [hide]Best rogue buildsPoison RogueActive skillsPassive skillsSpecializationsIce RogueActive SkillsPassive SkillsSpecializationRapid Fire Shadow RogueActive SkillsPassive SkillsSpecializations

Best rogue builds

While you can tailor each Rogue build to have a better emphasis on large groups versus single-targets, the builds here will be set up to deal with both with ease. The main difference between the three builds is which Imbuement abilities they use, along with some minor changes to maximize those elements. In addition, there will be some notes on how you should play with each class, to maximize the passives and upgrades chosen below.

Poison Rogue

The Poison Rogue build is a personal favorite, applying as much poison damage to enemies in an area as possible. What makes this build so effective is all of the passive abilities related to poison damage, which will make enemies take more damage, deal less damage, and die quicker. Combined with more active attacks from your primary and core skills, this can melt through enemies with ease. One of those most important aspects of this build is the use of Advanced Twisting Blades and Dash, as you get cooldown reductions for each enemy the returning blades pass through.

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Active skills

Primary Forceful ArrowAdvanced Twisting BladesMethodical DashCountering Poison TrapMixed Poison ImbuementSupreme Rain of Arrows

Passive skills

Weapon MasteryExploitDeadly VenomDebilitating ToxinsAlchemical AdvantageExposure


Combo Points

Ice Rogue

The Ice Rogue build is going to be very similar to the Poison Rogue build when it comes to active skills, with a few modifications. The biggest differences will come from passive abilities. The main difference in tactics is that you will be more focused on passive and abilities that benefit from crowd control, since the Ice will both slow and freeze enemies, playing into those abilities.

Active Skills

Fundamental Forceful ArrowAdvanced Twisting BladesMethodical DashCountering Stealth ConcealmentMixed Cold ImbuementSupreme Rain of Arrows

Passive Skills

ConcussiveTrick AttacksWeapon MasteryMending ObscurityExploitFrigid FinesseChilling WeightAftermathPrecision


Combo Points

Rapid Fire Shadow Rogue

If you are looking for something a bit different, this Rapid Fire Shadow Rogue build is focused around the use of the Core Skill Rapid Fire. The build is designed around quickly regaining energy to use Rapid Fire, as well as applying vulnerability to enemies via the primary attack to deal maximum damage. The basic loop of this build is: use Shadow Imbuement to infect enemies, use Puncture to apply vulnerability, use Concealment to get a critical hit, deal big damage with Rapid Fire or Rain of Arrows, and rotate as needed. Once you get the hang of it you can melt tough enemies with ease.

Active Skills

Fundamental PunctureImproved Rapid FireMethodical DashCountering Stealth ConcealmentBlended Shadow ImbuementSupreme Rain of Arrows

Passive Skills

ExploitShadow CrashConsuming ShadowsMaliceWeapon MasteryMending ObscurityInnervationSecond WindAlchemist’s FortuneAftermathVictimize


Combo Points

You can find more build guides and other helpful information in GameSpot’s Diablo 4 Guide Hub.

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About James Carr

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