Diablo 4 – Druid Build Guide

The Druid is an intriguing class in Diablo 4. While players are enamored with the idea of transforming into a werebear or summoning wolves on command, the class has been proven to not be nearly as strong as the other classes. Druids can make use of elemental damage, such as lightning, poison, and earth, but players have found it difficult to create much synergy among these damage types.

If you’ve been struggling to create your Druid build in a harmonious and impactful way, then fear not, as we have put together an entire build for the class. Keep in mind, though, that the developers could easily buff the Druid and its other skills before the full game launches in June.

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Diablo 4 Druid leveling build

Our Druid build opts for a mix of defensive and AoE skills, allowing your character to deal a ton of damage at the start of a fight and then increase damage reduction while you wait for your cooldowns. Of course, we have chosen some skills that make use of the Druid’s shapeshifting abilities, as that’s the most enjoyable aspect of the class.

Below, you can see the six skills we have chosen from each skill tree branch for the Druid and what upgrades we would give the skills. These are based on the 25 levels from the Diablo 4 beta. To see every single one of the Druid’s available skills, you can read our full guide.

Basic Skill: Maul (Wild) – This is going to be your most-used attack and the one that you use to generate spirit, which is the gauge that you allows you to cast other skills. Maul turns you into a werebear and strikes at a single enemy for solid damage. The skill also has a reasonable chance to be a lucky hit, which deals even more damage. You can also opt for the Wild upgrade to have a chance at knocking down enemies you hit.

Spirit Skill: Pulverize (Primal) – Pulverize is one of the best AoE skills that the Druid has access to. Once again, you turn into a werebear and strike at the ground in front of you, damaging all enemies that are in front of its radius. It can deal massive damage to enemies if you’re close enough, and Primal upgrade makes it so you take 20% less damage for 4 seconds, allowing you to escape to a safer distance without being hit by enemies for as much damage as normal.

Defensive Skill: Debilitating Roar (Preserving) – This is going to be your best bet in regard to the defensive skills the Druid has access to. You remain in your werebear form to shout at enemies, reducing their damage by 50% for 4 seconds. With the Preserving upgrade, you also heal yourself for 4% of your Maximum Health during the skill’s entire duration.

Companion Skill: Ravens (Ferocious) – We have opted for the Ravens over the Wolves for the simple fact that the Ravens are more AoE-focused than the Wolves. When you call in the Ravens, they attack a target area for 6 seconds. However, when the Ravens aren’t called in, one of them still goes around attacking random enemies every 5 seconds. The Ferocious upgrade makes enemies vulnerable once they have been attacked by Ravens, which decreases their damage reduction.

Wrath Skill: Trample (Savage) – This is another werebear skill, and this time players become unstoppable and charge forward, knocking down enemies that are in the way. Not only does this deal massive damage to enemies, but it’s also a great way to get out of trouble if you’re surrounded by enemies or need to heal. The Savage upgrade grants you 20 extra spirit when used, which is terrific if you want to follow Trample up with another skill, such as Pulverize.

Ultimate Skill: Grizzly Rage (Prime and Supreme) – Finally, we have the Druid’s Ultimate, which should be Grizzly Rage for most builds. This skill is the final werebear skill and it allows players to become a stronger version of themselves for 10 seconds, giving them 20% bonus damage and 20% damage reduction. As the 10-second timer goes on, players gain an additional 3% damage every single second. If you kill any enemy during Grizzly Rage’s duration, the time in the form is increased by one second. It’s a formidable Ultimate that can really save you during a boss fight or other sticky situation.

Key Passive: Ursine Strength – Gain an extra 20% to Maximum Life while you’re a werebear and then for the 3 seconds after you have transformed into another form. You also deal 30% extra damage while healthy (above 80% HP).


Predatory Instinct – Critical Strike damage against close enemies is increasedIron Fur – Gain extra damage reduction while in Werebear FormMending – Gain extra healing from all sources while in Werebear FormCall of the Wild – Your companions deal 10% bonus damage

The Druid is arguably at its best when you’re shapeshifting into a Werebear, so that’s where we decided to take this build. We’ll see if the full game unleashes any changes for this Diablo 4 class. Find all of our Diablo 4 guides in one place.

About Joey Carr

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