Diablo 4 – Druid Skills Guide

The Druid is Diablo 4‘s shape-shifting class, which has not been available in the series since Diablo 2. As such, many players have likely never gotten to experience life as an animal whisperer in Sanctuary. Of course, the Druid’s skills and abilities have seen an overhaul since the class was last seen in the series, so even veterans will need to re-learn how to play as the Druid.

In this guide, we will be providing a full overview of all of the skills available to the Druid class in Diablo 4.

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Diablo 4 Druid Basic Skills

Earth Spike – Sunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit.

Enhanced – Earth Spike has a 10% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds Fierce – Fortify for 2% of your Base Life (1) whenever Earth Spike damages enemies who are stunned, immobilized, or knocked back.Wild – Summon a second Earth Spike when hitting an immobilized or stunned enemy.

Wind Shear – Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing damage.

Enhanced – Wind Shear has a 20% chance to make enemies vulnerable for 4 seconds. Fierce – Each enemy hit by Wind Shear increases your movement speed by 5% for 5 seconds, up to 20%.Wild – Wind Shear grants 3 additional Spirit for each enemy hit beyond the first.

Storm Strike – Electricity gathers around your weapon, dealing 6 damage to your target and chaining up to 3 surrounding enemies, dealing 20% less damage each time it chains.

Enhanced – Storm Strike has a 15% chance to immobilize all enemies hit for 2.5 seconds. Fierce -Storm Strike has a 50% chance to make enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds.Wild – Storm Strike chains to 2 additional targets.

Claw – Shapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for 6 damage.

Enhanced – Claw’s attack speed is increased by 10%. Fierce – Claw applies 3 poisoning damage over 6 seconds.Wild – Claw has a 10% chance to attack twice.

Maul – Shapeshift into a Werebear and maul enemies in front of you, dealing damage.

Enhanced – If an enemy is hit by Maul, then Fortify 2% of your Base Life (1). Fierce – Increases the range and radius of Maul by 30%.Wild – Maul has a 10% chance to knock down enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Diablo 4 Druid Core Skills

Lightning Storm – Conjure a growing lighting storm that deals damage per strike and increases the number of strikes the longer it is channeled up to a maximum of 5.

Enhanced – The size of your Lightning Storm is preserved for 4 seconds after channeling. Raging – Lighting Storm gains 1 additional strike.Primal – Lightning Storm has an 8% chance to immobilize enemies hit for 3 seconds.

Tornado – Conjure a swirling tornado that deals damage.

Enhanced – Each time you cast Tornado, you have a 20% chance to spawn an additional Tornado. Raging – Enemies hit with Tornado have a 100% chance to become vulnerable for 3 seconds.Primal – Enemies damaged by Tornado are slowed by 8% for 3 seconds, stacking to 40%.

Pulverize – Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.

Enhanced – Your next Pulverize will overpower every 10 seconds while you remain healthy. Raging – Enemies are stunned for 2 seconds when they are overpowered with Pulverize.Primal – Enemies hit with Pulverize will deal 20% reduced damage for 4 seconds.

Shred – Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack, deal 8 damage. 2nd Attack, deal 11 damage. 3rd Attack, perform a larger finishing move dealing 19 damage.

Enhanced – Shred gains 30% attack speed and heals for 2% of your maximum life if an enemy is struck. Raging – Shred’s third combo attack is larger and applies an additional 16 poisoning damage over 5 seconds.Primal – Shred’s second and third attacks also perform a dash. In addition, Shred’s critical strike damage is increased by 20%.

Landslide – Crush enemies between 2 pillars of earth, dealing up to 37 damage.

Enhanced – After Landslide damages enemies 4 times, the next hit will immobilize enemies for 3 seconds. Raging – When you strike an immobilized or stunned enemy with Landslide, an additional pillar of earth is formed.Primal – When you immobilize or stun an enemy, you gain a Terramote. Each enemy hit by Landslide consumes a Terramote causing a guaranteed critical strike with 40% damage. Bosses always have up to a 10% chance to grant a Terramote when hit.

Diablo 4 Druid Defensive Skills

Earthen Bulwark – Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a barrier that absorbs 45% of your Base Life in damage.

Enhanced – Earthen Bulwark makes you unstoppable while active. Innate – Rock shrapnel flies outward when Earthen Bulwark is destroyed or expires, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. This damage is increased by barrier bonuses.Preserving – Casting Earthen Bulwark grants 18% Base Life as Fortify.

Cyclone Armor – Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 20% non-physical damage reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, knocking back enemies and dealing damage.

Enhanced – Enemies who are knocked back by Cyclone Armor are also slowed by 70% for 1.5 seconds. Innate – Enemies knocked back by Cyclone Armor become vulnerable for 3 seconds.Preserving – Every 10 seconds, Cyclone Armor intensifies, causing incoming damage to grant you 30% damage reduction for 2 seconds.

Blood Howl – Shapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, healing you for 20% of your Maximum Life.

Enhanced – Kills reduce the cooldown of Blood Howl by 1 second. Innate – Blood Howl also generates 20 spirit.Preserving – Blood Howl also increases your attack speed by 4 seconds.

Debilitating Roar – Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 50% for 4 seconds.

Enhanced – Debilitating Roar also fortifies you for 22% of Base Life. Innate – Debilitating Roar also slows enemies by 40% for its duration.Preserving – Debilitating Roar also heals you for 4% of your maximum life each second for its duration.

Diablo 4 Druid Companion Skills

Wolves – Passive: Summon 2 wolf companions that bite enemies for 2 damage. Active: Direct your wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for damage.

Enhanced – Wolves deal 20% increased damage to immobilized, stunned, slowed, or poisoned enemies. Brutal – When you critically strike, your Wolves gain 20% attack speed for 3 seconds.Ferocious – Lucky Hit: Your Wolves’ attacks have up to a 10% chance to Fortify you for 5% Base Life.

Vine Creeper – Passive: A vine creeper periodically emerges from the ground every 7 seconds and applies 11 poisoning damage over 6 seconds to an enemy in the area. Active: Vines strangle all surrounding enemies, immobilizing them for 2 seconds and poisoning them for 9 damage over 2 seconds.

Enhanced – Vine Creeper’s immobilize duration is increased by 1 second. Brutal – Vine Creeper’s active poisoning duration is increased by 3 seconds.Ferocious – Your critical strike chance is increased by 20% against enemies strangled by Vine Creeper.

Ravens – Passive: 1 Raven flies above you and periodically attacks your enemies for 4 damage every 5 seconds. Active: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing damage over 6 seconds.

Enhanced – You have 5% increased critical strike chance for 6 seconds against enemies hit by Ravens. Brutal – 2 additional Ravens attack enemies.Ferocious – Enemies inside the swarm of Ravens when activated become vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Diablo 4 Druid Wrath Skills

Hurricane – Form a hurricane around you that deals damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.

Enhanced – Enemies who are damaged by Hurricane are slowed by 25% for 2 seconds. Natural – Hurricane has a 15% chance to make enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds.Savage – Enemies affected by Hurricane deal 20% less damage.

Boulder – Unearth a large rolling boulder that knocks back and crushes enemies, dealing damage with each hit.

Enhanced – When Boulder reaches the end of its path, enemies hit are slowed by 30% for 3 seconds. If Boulder is overpowered, enemies are stunned by 4 seconds instead. Natural – While you have any Fortify, Boulder has 20% increased critical strike chance.Savage – Boulder’s critical strike chance is increased by 3% each time it deals damage.

Rabies – Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform an infectious bite on the target dealing damage and applying additional poisoning damage over 6 seconds.

Enhanced – Rabies’ poisoning damage also increases over the lifetime of the disease. Natural – Rabies spreads 100% faster.Savage – Rabies deals its total poisoning damage to 4 seconds instead of 6.

Trample – Shapeshift into a Werebear, become unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing damage and knocking back enemies.

Enhanced – Trample deals 30% bonus damage. This bonus is reduced by 15% for each enemy hit after the first. Natural – Casting Trample grants 20% Base Life as fortify.Savage – Casting Trample grants 20 spirit.

Diablo 4 Druid Ultimate Skills

Petrify – Encase all nearby enemies in stone, stunning them for 3 seconds. You deal 25% increased critical strike damage to enemies affected by Petrify. Against bosses, the critical strike damage bonus is increased to 50% and its duration is increased to 6 seconds.

Prime – Petrify’s effect durations are increased by 1 second.Supreme – Killing an enemy affected by Petrify grants 25 spirit.

Cataclysm – A massive storm follows you for 8 seconds. Tornadoes knock back enemies and lightning strikes wildly dealing damage.

Prime – Cataclym’s duration is increased by 2 seconds.Supreme – Lightning strikes from Cataclysm make enemies vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Lacerate – Shapeshift into a Werewolf, become immune and dash 10 times between enemies in the area dealing up to 133 damage.

Prime – Each time Lacerate deals a critical strike, heal for 3% of Maximum Life.Supreme – Lacerate’s initial strike is guaranteed to critically strike and deals 150% increased damage.

Grizzly Rage – Shapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 20% bonus damage and 20% damage reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in the form. Kills extend the duration for 1 second up to 10 additional seconds.

Prime – You are unstoppable while Grizzly Rage is active.Supreme – Gain 8% Base Life as fortify per second while Grizzly Rage is active.

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About Joey Carr

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