Diablo 4 Elixirs, Incenses, And Potions – Alchemist Shop Guide

When you first arrive in the city of Kyovashad in Diablo 4, you might be tempted to set out on your grand adventure in Sanctuary. Lilith is waiting and she is not wasting any time infecting the citizens of the region. However, before you head out of the city, you might want to stop by the various shops that Kyovashad is home to. One of the more important shopkeepers who you may want to visit straight away is The Alchemist.

The Alchemist’s shop is not one that is exclusive to Kyovashad, but it’s the first one that you will encounter in Diablo 4. The Kyovashad location is run by a woman named Veroka, and you will eventually receive a Priority Quest to go and see her (which upgrades your health potions). That quest won’t tell you everything you need to know about The Alchemist, though. For that, you can check out the guide below.

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The Alchemist in Diablo 4

To start, The Alchemist is your one-stop shop to increase the potency of your healing potions. By default in Diablo 4, you start off with the least-potent healing potion. However, after you reach level 10, you can visit The Alchemist’s shop and upgrade your potion to the next level. You will need the required ingredients to do so, but those aren’t hard to come by at all. You can either find your own ingredients by picking bushes in the world and opening Herb Caches, which are sometimes given to you as quest rewards.

As you continue to level up in Diablo 4, you can keep coming back to the shop to continually upgrade your healing potions. Here are the levels at which you will be able to increase the potency of your healing potions:

Weak Healing Potion – Level 1Tiny Healing Potion – Level 10Minor Healing Potion – Level 20Light Healing Potion – Level 30Moderate Healing Potion – Level 45Strong Healing Potion – Level 60Greater Healing Potion – Level 70Major Healing Potion – Level 80Superior Healing Potion – Level 90

You should note that The Alchemist will only increase the potency of your potions. The number of potion charges you have available is only increased by earning Renown in the various regions of Sanctuary. As you increase your Renown level in each region, some of the rewards you receive will be extra healing potion charges. It’s presumed you can have up to 10 healing potions at a time, but we’ll have to wait for the full game’s release in June to confirm that.

Creating Elixirs with The Alchemist

The other major feature of The Alchemist in Diablo 4 is the crafting of Elixirs. At the start of Diablo 4, you won’t have access to any Elixirs. However, as you progress, complete more quests, and find new ingredients, the Elixirs tab at the shop will begin to fill with several concoctions you can craft to aid you in combat or exploration. Since the beta of Diablo 4, a plethora of new Elixirs have been added to the game, and you can all of them below.

Also, now Incense is available to craft. They work very similarly to Elixirs, but offer different bonuses and require a higher level to craft. Usually, a bottle of Incense is much better than an Elixir, but their level requirements mostly come after you beat the main story, so you won’t be using them until the endgame.


Weak Crushing ElixirWeak Assault ElixirWeak Elixir of Cold ResistanceWeak Elixir of Fire ResistanceWeak Elixir of Lightning ResistanceWeak Elixir of Poison ResistanceWeak Elixir of Shadow ResistanceWeak Third Eye ElixirWeak Iron Barb ElixirWeak Acrobatics Elixir Weak Precision Elixir Elixirs of Cold Resistance Elixir of Fire Resistance Elixir of Lightning Resistance Elixir of Poison Resistance Elixir of Shadow Resistance Third Eye Elixir Elixir of Beast-Slaying Elixir of Demon-Slaying Elixir of Man-Slaying Elixir of Undead-Slaying Iron Barb Elixir


Song of the Mountain Chorus of War The Creatures of Night Reddamine Buzz Soothing Spices Spiral Morning Scents of the Desert AfternoonStorm of the WildsDesert EscapeSpirit Dance Ancient Times Sage’s Whisper Queen’s Supreme Blessed Guide

Most of the Elixirs require two ingredients to craft, but some of the more advanced ones will call for more. You will also have to pay a fee when crafting an Elixir or an Incense, so make sure you’re not going overboard solely based on the number of ingredients you have. When looking at the Elixirs and Incense, you will see a number in parentheses beside each one. This tells you many you can craft based on your current ingredient supply and gold. By hovering over any one of the items, you can see the ingredients required to make it and what buffs it gives your character.

Elixirs and Incense can only be consumed one at a time, so once you have taken one, you can’t have another active. Also, all of the Elixirs last for 30 minutes while Incenses usually last 20 minutes. To view all of your concoctions, you can press “C” to open your character menu. On the bottom inventory window, press the “Consumables” tab and you can see every Elixir and Incense you currently have. While most of them will be used for specific combat purposes, such as boss fights and dungeons, you can also use them to boost your XP. An Elixir such as the Weak Iron Barb Elixir offers a 5% boost to XP, which can be quite useful on your journey to reach max level in Diablo 4. For a full XP leveling guide in Diablo 4, you can read our previous guide.

Finally, if you want to extract some ingredients in order to craft certain Elixirs and Incense, The Alchemist allows you to do so by scrolling over to the far-right tab of the shop. Here, you can see what ingredients you currently have and which ones can be used to create additional resources. There will likely be other uses for The Alchemist in the full build of Diablo 4, but we’ll have to wait and see what those uses could be.

About Joey Carr

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