Diablo 4 Expansion Survey Suggests Blizzard May Sell Stash Tabs, Early Access To Legendary Powers

Those who purchase more-expensive editions of Diablo IV’s Vessel of Hatred expansion may be granted additional stash tabs and even early access to new Legendary aspects, Unique items, and major game features, according to a recently leaked survey.

The news comes via YouTuber Bellular, best known for covering Blizzard’s World of Warcraft but who also makes videos related to other Blizzard titles and video games in general. In a video titled “Blizzard’s Latest Survey Is VERY Concerning,” Bellular discloses he was sent a leaked survey related to the pricing of Diablo IV’s first expansion and the features more expensive versions of the expansion might theoretically grant access to.

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According to the survey, Vessel of Hatred could be sold for $50, $70, $80, or $100, with each different price point potentially granting players access to various in-game items and other bells-and-whistles. Some versions listed include the base version of Diablo IV. Others don’t.

The $50 version, for example, suggests it might grant players a new non-horse mount (one that could gain new cosmetic upgrades upon completing in-game achievements), a cosmetic skin for the game’s still-unrevealed new class, 1,000 of the game’s premium Platinum currency, one Premium Battle Pass, access to the base game, four-day expansion early access, and a Town Portal skin. Controversially, it also lists owners being granted access to two new stash tabs as well as one season early access to what Blizzard calls “Companions,” which are described as “non-player” characters that follow players around and can pick up gold and grant the ability to access one’s stash remotely.

Other possible versions, like the $100 edition, list perks like “Hero” skins for each of the game’s classes and unique mount armor. Perhaps even more controversial than players potentially paying for more stash tabs is that Blizzard also floats the idea of certain editions, like the $100 version, granting early access to a “functional item” like a Legendary aspect. The $70 edition listed in the survey additionally lists early access to a powerful Unique item.

While it’s worth noting that this is simply a survey that Blizzard is using to test the waters, should Blizzard go through with some of the ideas listed above, it would potentially see the developer going back on its promise to never allow players to “pay for power” in Diablo IV. Such pay-to-win concerns were a big issue ahead of the game’s launch, given the Diablo community’s reaction to the mobile game Diablo Immortal, where paying to become more powerful is very much the name of the game.

Suffice to say, the Diablo IV community on places like Reddit aren’t exactly excited about the idea of potentially having to pay more money to get additional stash space or that those who do pay more might be granted early access to potentially powerful new Legendary powers or Unique items. As many on Reddit point out, some features, like buying stash tabs, might be acceptable in a free-to-play game, but not one that players are already spending upwards of $50 or more for.

“These are 100% pay-to-win,” writes Ninak0ru on Reddit in a widely upvoted post. “Yes, convenience locked by paywall is always pay-to-win.”

In a livestream focused on upcoming events coming to Diablo IV, Blizzard reiterated that it will not add the ability to pay for power to Diablo IV, and that it will be looking to address stash concerns so that “regular players” will have the space they need. Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred is slated to arrive late next year, and will see players return to iconic locations from Diablo II to hunt down Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred.

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About Cameron Koch

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