Diablo 4’s first holiday event, Midwinter Blight, is here. This new event is a winter celebration taking place in the Fractured Peaks region. During the event, which is available on any world tier but is only available for seasonal characters, new blighted enemies will roam the area. Taking down these enemies will let you unlock new limited rewards, including cosmetics and a legendary aspect. The Midwinter Blight runs from December 12 to January 2, 2024. Here’s everything you need to know about the Midwinter Blight and what you can earn.
How the Midwinter Blight works
The Midwinter Blight takes place exclusively in the Fractured Peaks region of Diablo 4, with the active area marked with purple on the map. During the event special blight enemies appear in the areas, along with special events. The events are not marked on the map, so you will need to explore and find them.
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There are three enemies that drop special resources, which can be exchanged for Midwinter Proof, the currency used to buy items at the event shop. There are Blightfiends, which drop Blighted Fragments, Frigid Husks, which drop Lost Heirlooms, and the Red-Cloaked Horror, which drops the Red-Cloaked Trophy. These can be exchanged in Kyovashad.
The exchange rates are:
300 Blighted Fragments to 1 Midwinter Proof30 Lost Heirlooms to 1 Midwinter Proof1 Red-Cloaked Trophy to 1 Midwinter Proof
In addition to using Midwinter Proof to purchase rewards, there is also a Midwinter Tribute Tier system, which progresses everytime you exchange for Midwinter Proof. There are three tiers worth of rewards.
Midwinter Tribute Tier rewards:
Tier 1: 10,000 Gold, Greater Midwinter Spoils Cache (contains Armor, Gem Fragments, and Gileon’s Brew)Tier 2: 25,000 Gold, Greater Midwinter Spoils CacheTier 3: 50,000 Gold, Greater Midwinter Spoils Cache, Midwinter Ward
The Midwinter Ward is a special totem that gets placed in Kyovashad that provides a six-minute buff that deals 20% extra damage to event enemies. Reaching Tier 3 also adds Midwinter Blight caches to Nightmare Dungeons, allowing you to earn Midwinter Proof faster.
Midwinter Blight Rewards
Once you have collected a bunch of Midwinter Proofs, you can use them to purchase items from the event vendor, who is located in Kyovashad. There are a bunch of limited cosmetic items that you only need to purchase once, along with resources you can purchase multiple times.
All Midwinter Blight shop items:
Periapt of the Long Night Moon cosmetic back trophy (Barbarian) – 50 Midwinter ProofZemi of the Long Night Moon cosmetic back trophy (Druid) – 50 Midwinter ProofVeil of the Long Night Moon cosmetic back trophy (Necromancer) – 50 Midwinter ProofMasque of the Long Night Moon cosmetic back trophy (Rogue) – 50 Midwinter ProofDomino of the Long Night Moon cosmetic back trophy (Sorcerer) – 50 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Blight Mount Trophy – 30 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Tomahawk (Cosmetic Axe) – 20 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Dirk (Cosmetic Dagger) – 20 Midwinter ProofCapric Fetish (Cosmetic Totem) – 20 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Beacon (Cosmetic Focus) – 20 Midwinter ProofAegis of Thorri (Cosmetic Shield) – 20 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Talwaar (Cosmetic Sword) – 20 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Catapult (Cosmetic Crossbow) – 20 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Staff (Cosmetic Staff) – 20 Midwinter ProofShard of Dawn Offensive Aspect – 10 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Spoils – 8 Midwinter ProofGileon’s Brew – 1 Midwinter ProofMidwinter Purse – 1 Midwinter ProofDiablo 4 Season 2 Battle Pass Rewards: All Cosmetics, Titles, And EmotesSee More