Diablo 4's Nightmare Dungeons Will Be Getting A Big Efficiency Boost Ahead Of Season 1

Diablo IV’s Nightmare dungeons will be receiving a major buff ahead of the game’s first season, Blizzard has announced.

In the first “fireside” chat for Diablo IV on Twitch, game director Joe Shely discussed recent hotfixes that made farming normal dungeons less efficient when it came to leveling up and gaining items. In order to make Nightmare dungeons, which are intended to be a key part of Diablo IV’s endgame, more appealing, Blizzard will be improving the amount of XP rewarded by Nightmare dungeons.

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Part of making Nightmare dungeons more efficient overall is to reduce the amount of time it takes to travel to the dungeons themselves. As it stands now, players have to travel to the nearest waypoint and then manually run to the dungeon entrance. Blizzard in the near future will be making it so Nightmare Sigils will create a waypoint for the corresponding dungeon that players can travel to, greatly reducing travel time and making Nightmare dungeons more efficient to farm.

The current plan is for those changes to roll out ahead of Diablo IV’s first season, which is currently slated to arrive in mid to late July. Changes that will be coming later alongside the release of Season 1 will be account-wide map and Altar of Lilith progress. Once those changes are live, players creating new characters will automatically have earned the Renown associated with uncovering the map and unlocking Altars of Lilith on a previous character.

Additional changes coming to Diablo IV, like adjustments to the game’s resistances (a stat high-level players have described as currently not being worth using) and having gems be treated like currency rather than items that take up inventory space , will be coming later closer to the release of Season 2. Blizzard is planning on releasing new seasons for Diablo IV every three months. Each Diablo IV season will include new gameplay features and a seasonal questline.

Diablo IV has been a smash-hit for Blizzard. It passed $666 million in sales in five days, and became the fastest-selling game in Blizzard’s over 30-year history. In addition to new seasons, Blizzard has already confirmed that two Diablo IV expansions are in the works.

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About Cameron Koch

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