Diablo 4 Patch Notes Make Big Class Adjustments

Two new patches for Diablo IV have dropped in the past few days, and they’ve introduced some significant changes to the game. June 4’s Patch 1.0.2e is the most recent, but it was June 3’s Patch 1.0.2d that really adjusted the math behind many of the game’s classes, and that’s likely to have an impact on your play experience.

Patch 1.0.2e fixed an issue where players couldn’t type in their preferred language during shop checkout, as well as a nasty stuttering bug on high-end machines. Patch 1.0.2d contained many specific changes that we’ll break down below. Its most general change came in the form of a nerf to Paragon Glyphs, which Blizzard considered too powerful prior to the patch.

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For Barbarians, the patch significantly nerfed Challenging Shout and Bold Chieftain’s Aspect, decreasing damage reduction and cooldown reduction for each skill respectively. Aspect of the Dire Whirlwind was also lessened in power via its critical strike chance. Druid received more mixed changes, with skills like Pulverize getting reduced in power and those like Lightning Storm getting buffed in damage.

Necromancer also got a wide variety of changes, with most focused on buffing its minions to be more useful. Some Rogue skills were made more useful, including Caltrops and Rapid Fire, whereas Dark Shroud and Twisting Blades were adjusted downward. Sorcerer was the class affected that saw the least changes, with Arc Lash, Teleport, and Aspect of Control all seeing significant nerfs. Check out the patch notes below for the full details.

In GameSpot’s Diablo IV review, critic Alessandro Barbosa called the game a worthy follow-up to the storied series. “It represents a measured approach to combining the many elements from previous entries that worked into a system that feels like the new standard-bearer for action role-playing,” he wrote. “Coupled with a new benchmark for storytelling in the franchise, and a solid narrative foundation for any potential new adventures, it’s easy to see Diablo IV as something I’ll regularly check-in on for a long time to come.”

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About Steven T. Wright

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