Blizzard is continuing to refine elements of its massive Loot Reborn patch for Diablo 4, which dropped last week and fundamentally overhauled some of the game’s core systems. The latest hotfix for the game only introduces one major change, but it will be a welcome one for anyone working on Masterworking their items, with the gold cost of transmutation dramatically reduced.
Masterworking is a new system added in the Loot Reborn patch which gives players a new way to upgrade their most powerful items, as well as introducing a new endgame dungeon to farm for materials. Players can take on the Pit to earn crafting materials Obducite, Ingolith, and Neathiron, which are used to unlock successively higher ranks of masterwork.
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While you have to progress through the Pit to unlock the rarer materials–with Ingolith only dropping between Tier 31 and Tier 60 of the dungeon, and Neathiron from Tier 61 up–players can transmute extra high-level materials to one of lower rarity at the Alchemist.
The latest patch dramatically reduces the gold cost of this process, with the most expensive transmutation, the Large Ingolith Cache, reduced from 6,000,000 gold to just 60,000. The other caches have seen similar reductions, with the cheapest Small Obducite Cache starting at just 1000 gold. The other material costs have remained unchanged, with one Neathiron still transmuting to three Ingolith, and one Ingolith transmuting to three Obducite.
The newest patch also introduces “various performance and stability improvements,” according to the patch notes, which can be read in full below.
The main Diablo 4 Loot Reborn patch has been well-received by players, which is likely linked to Blizzard’s decision to playtest the patch using a PTR before releasing it to the public. While some elements may not have received universal praise, like a change to the Salvage All Items feature which may have seen players accidentally getting rid of rare and valuable items, Diablo fans are generally on board with the direction the latest game is taking.
Diablo 4 is in line for its first major expansion later this year, Vessel of Hatred, which Blizzard teased with imagery of a lush, jungle-like setting.
1.4.0b Build #53811 (All Platforms)
Game Updates
The amount of gold it costs to transmute Masterworking material caches has been significantly reduced.
Bug Fixes
Various performance and stability improvements.