Diablo 4 Season 2, Season of Blood, has arrived, bringing new loot, quests, and Season Journey objectives. The Season Journey provides a series of challenges to complete that provide rewards like Favor (battle pass XP), Legendary Aspects, and resources. These challenges are broken up into chapters, with the tasks matching roughly the level you should be at with your new seasonal character. Season of Blood also brings a massive balance update and new vampiric powers. Here’s every Season Journey objective and reward.
Table of Contents [hide]Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Slayer (Chapter 5)Champion (Chapter 6)Destroyer (Chapter 7)
Chapter 1
To complete this chapter you must complete 6 of 8 objectives.
Chapter 1 objectives:
The Crimson Garden — Collect 10 Reddamine, found in Dry SteppesKind Stranger — Complete 3 priority or side questsWhat Lurks Below — Complete a CellarWaste Not — Salvage 7 Common items at the Blacksmith or JewelerAcross The Golden Wastes — Complete 2 Dungeons in Dry SteppesTrouble In The Wilds — Complete a World EventA Drop of Blood — Activate a Vampiric Power, available after completing or skipping the campaignContract Forged — Equip a piece of Pact Armor, available after completing or skipping the campaign
All of these objectives are fairly easy to complete, with What Lurks Below and Waste Not in particular being extremely easy for players to complete. The only quest that might give you trouble is the Trouble In The Wilds, since World Events only occur so often and you might just miss them depending on when you are playing.
Chapter 1 rewards:
Greater FavorFirst Journey Cache, contains a number of herbs and Pact ArmorWanton Rupture Aspect (Barbarian)Raw Might Aspect (Druid)Aspect of the Long Shadow (Necromancer)Aspect of Artful Initiative (Rogue)Battle Caster’s Aspect (Sorcerer)
Chapter 2
To complete this chapter you will need to complete nine of 11 objectives
Chapter 2 objectives:
Forsaken Offering — Obtain 2 caches from the Tree of Whispers by completing WhispersVault Delver — Complete 8 CellarsRuins Reclaimed — Conquer a StrongholdFiner Clarity — Upgrade your potion to Minor at the AlchemistPath to Strength — Unlock 8 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing dungeonsBaptized In Blood — Reach level 25Deliver Us From Evil — Rescue 5 Villagers within the Blood Harvest, available after completing or skipping the campaignVampire No More — Defeat a Blood Seeker, available after completing or skipping the campaignTides of Blood — Activate a Vampiric Power that requires at least 3 Pacts, available after completing or skipping the campaignContract Reforged — Add or remove Pacts from a piece of armor, available after completing or skipping the campaignBejeweled — Craft a Gem at the Jeweler
It’s another set of fairly simple objectives here, with most of them occurring pretty effortlessly. The most time consuming objectives on this list are Path to Strength and Vault Delver, as you might not complete these naturally while playing the seasonal quests.
Chapter 2 rewards:
Greater FavorSecond Journey Cache, containing Scatter Prisms, Pact Armor, and Potent BloodAspect of Berserk Fury (Barbarian)Aspect of The Stampede (Druid)Aspect of Frenzied Dead (Necromancer)Aspect of Quickening Fog (Rogue)Stable Aspect (Sorcerer)
Chapter 3
To complete this chapter you will need to complete 10 of 13 objectives
Chapter 3 objectives:
Grim Claim — Obtain 5 caches from the Tree of Whispers by completing WhispersChampion Of The Lost — Conquer 3 StrongholdsWonders Distilled — Craft 5 Elixirs of any type at the AlchemistTouching The Eternal — Unlock 16 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing DungeonsExceptional Potency — Upgrade your potion to Light at the AlchemistNovice Reaper — Reach Reputation Level 3 in the Blood Harvest, available after completing or skipping the campaignLancing Boils — Destroy Blood Blisters within the Blood Harvest, available after completing or skipping the campaignAscending Darkness — Upgrade a Vampiric Power to Level 2 by consuming Potent Blood, available after completing or skipping the campaignSought Out — Defeat 12 Blood Seekers, available after completing or skipping the campaignTherapeutic — Purify 700 Seeds of Hatred in Hostile AreasSusurration — Open a Silent Chest, found randomly in Sanctuary, with a Whispering Key from a Purveyor of CuriositiesThe Father’s Gate — Complete the Cathedral of Light to unlock the Nightmare World TierPotent Vows — Equip a piece of armor with 5 Pacts engraved on it
Most of these challenges are fairly simple, but there are a couple you can avoid, depending on the type of player you are. Therapeutic involves PvP, so if that isn’t your speed you can skip that one.Also, The Father’s Gate will require you to be at least level 45, if not 50, so you might complete this chapter before completing this challenge.
Chapter 3 rewards:
Greater FavorStrips and Points Mount ArmorThird Journey Cache, containing Legendary Salvage, Pact Armor, and Potent BloodLuckbringer Aspect (Barbarian)Aspect of Natural Balance (Druid)Aspect of Shielding Storm (Necromancer)Mangler’s Aspect (Rogue)Aspect of Ancient Flame (Sorcerer)
Chapter 4
To complete this chapter you will need to complete nine of 11 objectives.
Chapter 3 objectives:
Cut The First Ear — Kill another player in a Hostile AreaExceeded Potential — Improve a Paragon Glyph to Tank 4 after finishing Nightmare DungeonsThe Depths of Fear — Use 5 Nightmare Sigils to empower Dungeons and the complete themPilgrim of Horror — Complete a Tier 10 or higher Nightmare DungeonRestored Glory — Upgrade 2 items to four stars at the Blacksmith or JewelerThe Bigger They Are — Defeat a World BossSanguine Culling — Defeat the Blood Seeker Council, summoned with Blood Lures in the Blood HarvestA Congealed God — Defeat Lord Zir, available after completing or skipping the campaignMark of Vampirism — Upgrade a Vampiric Power to Level 3 by consuming Potent Blood, available after completing or skipping the campaignGuilt — Defeat the Echo of Varshan in Nightmare World Tier 3, summoned beneath the Tree of Whispers with materials from Nightmare World Tier 3 Whisper CachesIn Agreement — Equip a piece of armor with 5 identical pacts engraved on it
In this chapter, there are a few easy challenges and few you can skip. Restored Glory is very easy to do at this point in the game and the two Nightmare Dungeon challenges can be completed at the same time. For skipping, The Bigger They Are since World Bosses are on a timer and Cut The First Ear if you aren’t interested in doing PvP.
Chapter 4 rewards:
Greater FavorFourth Journey CacheAspect of Limitless Rage (Barbarian)Aspect of Metamorphic Stone (Druid)Aspect of Rathma’s Chosen (Necromancer)Aspect of Synergy (Rogue)Frostblitz Aspect (Sorcerer)
Slayer (Chapter 5)
To complete this chapter you must complete 10 of 12 objectives.
Slayer objectives:
Potent Potable — Craft an Elixir of at Least Required Level 65 at the AlchemistProphecy Pluripotent — Open Tortured Gifts of 6 different types during a HelltideBlessing Of The Strong — Equip Sacred Legendary items in every slotLilth’s Undoing — Purify 5,000 Seeds of Hatred in Hostile areasReaching For Greatness — Improve a Paragon Glyph to Rank 21 after finishing Nightmare DungeonsSojourner Into Darkness — Complete a Tier 20 or higher Nightmare DungeonThreshold Of Damnation — Complete the Fallen Temple to unlock Torment World Tier 4Crop Of Blood — Reach Reputation Level 10 in the Blood Harvest, available after completing or skipping the campaignStormwatch — Defeat Grigore in Nightmare World Tier 3, summoned in Dry Steppes with Living Steel from HelltidesFully Avowed — Possess 20 total Pacts across equipped armor at onceTriple Threat — Upgrade 2 Vampiric Powers to Level 3 by consuming Potent BloodJewel Crush — Craft a Flawless Gem at the Jeweler
The only challenge that seems skippable is Lilith’s Undoing if you don’t like PvP, otherwise most of these are fairly simple. Assuming you are at the appropriate level, Jewel Crush and Potent Potable are both quick and easy to complete.
Slayer rewards:
Epic FavorSalmagundi MountFifth Journey Cache, contains late game resources, Pact Armor, Potent Blood, and a Scroll of Amnesia for resetting Paragon and Skill pointsAspect of Elements (All)
Champion (Chapter 6)
You must complete 10 of 12 objectives to complete this chapter.
Champion objectives:
Come At Me — Siphon from an enemy as the Hatred’s Chosen, attained by killing several Players in a row in Hostile areasVeteran of Ashes — Acquire 5,000 Cinders during HelltideShattered Fiends — Defeat every World Boss in Torment World Tier 4Dark Dreamer — Complete a Tier 50 or higher Nightmare DungeonLifegiving Draught — Upgrade your potion to Major at the AlchemistAnointed in Blood — Reach level 90Shock And Awe — Defeat Grigoire in Torment World Tier 4, summoned in Dry Steppes with Living Steel from HelltidesHarbinger Of Ice — Defeat The Beast in the Ice in Torment World Tier 4, summoned with Distilled Fear from Tier 30 or higher Nightmare DungeonsRemembrance — Defeat the Echo of Varshan in Torment World Tier 4, summoned beneath the Tree of Whispers with materials from Whisper CachesForgiveness — Defeat Lord Zir in Torment World Tier 4, summoned in Fractured Peaks with Exquisite Blood from Torment World Bosses or Legion EventsHeir To transcendence — Equip Ancestral Legendary items in every slotQuintessence — Upgrade 5 Vampiric Powers to Level 3 by consuming Potent Blood
None of these challenges or enemies are particularly quick or easy to kill at this point in the game. Lifegiving Draught and Anointed in Blood should be automatic, since both are just level gated challenges. The easiest to skip is Shattered Fiends, since world bosses are on a timer and you need to defeat all available ones, which could take real days to actually see.
Champion rewards:
Epic FavorBody-Part Burlap Mount TrophySixth Journey Cache, contains resources, Pact materials, Potent Blood, and two Scrolls of AmnesiaAspect of Slaughter (All)
Destroyer (Chapter 7)
To complete this chapter you must complete seven of nine objectives.
Destroyer objectives:
Exterminator — Defeat Duriel in Torment World Tier 4, summoned in Kehjistan with materials from Grigoire and the Echo of VarshanLabor Of Love — Purify 22,222 Seeds of Hatred in Hostile areasLootmaster — Open 10 Tortured Gifts during a single Helltide in Torment World Tier 4Titanomachy — Defeat 12 World BossesAvatar Of Sanctuary’s Might — Equip at least 8 Ancestral Unique items simultaneouslyIncarnate Of Nightmares — Complete a Tier 90 or higher Nightmare DungeonGlyphmaster — Improve 5 Paragon Glyphs to Rank 21 by completing Nightmare DungeonsA Bloodied Head, High — Reach Reputation Level 18 in the Blood Harvest, available after completing or skipping the campaignBlessed Mother Departed — Defeat Echo of Lilith in Torment World Tier 4, remembered in Nevesk after reaching level 90
With this being the final chapter, none of these objectives are quick or easy. You will need high-end loot and a well-made build to complete these objectives.
Destroyer rewards:
Shadow Player TitleVampire Player TitleBraggart’s Cache, contains an enormous amount of Potent BloodDiablo 4 Season 2 Battle Pass Rewards: All Cosmetics, Titles, And EmotesSee More