Diablo 4 Season 4: All Seasonal Journey Rewards And Objectives

Diablo 4 Season 4, Loot Reborn, is here, bringing a reworked loot system and new seasonal content. Among the new content is the Seasonal Journey, which provides a series of tasks to complete, which provides rewards in the shape of aspects, resources, and battle pass XP. Since the Seasonal Journey provides a ton of battle pass XP, it is the best way to get Smoldering Ashes, which provide season-long boosts. There are seven chapters in the Seasonal Journey that will take you from level 1 all the way to level 100 and beyond.

Chapter 1

You must complete 8 out of 10 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 1 objectives:

What Lurks Below: Complete 3 cellarsDen of Evil: Complete any dungeon found on your mapTrouble in the Wilds: Complete 2 world eventsOne of the Pack: Increase your Wolf’s Honor Rank to 1 by battling evil in Helltide ZonesForager: Collect 50 Bundled Herbs from Harvest Nodes, Cellars, or various other sources throughout SanctuaryFragrant Find: Collect 10 Angelbreath from Harvest Nodes, Cellar Mastery, or various other sources throughout SanctuaryProspector: Collect 50 Iron Chunks from salvaging Weapons and Jewelry, Mineral Nodes, or various other sources throughout SanctuaryTanner’s Apprentice: Collect 50 Rawhide from salvaging Armor, defeating Monsters, or various other sources throughout SanctuaryJoining the Fray: Complete 1 Iron Wolf Event found during a HelltideSpoils of Hell: Open 1 Tortured Gifts during Helltide

All of the Chapter 1 objectives are fairly simple and should be both easy and quick to complete. The only objective on the list that could be an issue is completing two world events, just because you have to wait for one to be live, but world events do occur relatively frequently.

Chapter 1 Rewards:

Greater Favor: Contains Favor, which is battle pass XPFirst Journey Cache: Contains Consumables, such as Elixirs and Murmuring ObolsFirst Journey Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Herbs and Gem FragmentsFirst Journey Equipment Cache: Contains a Legendary Weapon, Gloves, and Amulet for your class

Chapter 2

You must complete 7 out of 10 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 2 Objectives:

Veteran of Ashes: Acquire 666 Aberrant Cinders during a HelltideMiracles of Alchemy: Craft 10 Elixirs at the AlchemistKeeper of the Keys: Collect 3 Whispering Keys, sold at the Purveyor of CuriositiesTouching the Eternal: Unlock 3 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing DungeonsHonorary Wolf: Increase your Wolf’s Honor Rank to 6 by battling evil in Helltide zonesNotarized Nuisance: Increase your Threat Level to Max by defeating monsters during HelltideExpanded Repertoire: Learn 1 Recipe of Magic rarity or higherCinder Spender: Open 10 Tortured Gifts during HelltideMad Prophecies: Complete 3 Doomsayer Events found during HelltideDemonic Presences: Disrupt 3 Cultist Rituals found during Helltide

Again, nothing too difficult or time consuming here. The best thing to do here is to try and nab the six objectives that are all related to the Helltide at once, and then just complete one additional objective, whichever one seems easiest for you.

Chapter 2 Rewards:

Greater FavorSecond Journey Cache: Contains a Temper Manual and Consumables, such as Elixirs and Baneful HeartsSecond Journey Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Herbs and Veiled CrystalsSecond Journey Equipment Cache: Contains a Legendary Weapon, Pants, and Ring for your class

Chapter 3

You must complete 8 of 10 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 3 Objectives:

Risk and Reward: Buy 25 pieces of equipment from the Purveyor of CuriositiesA Master at Work: Complete 3 World Events with MasteryHard Fought Victory: Complete 1 Legion EventForsaken Offerings: Obtain 10 Caches from the Tree of Whispers by completing WhispersRaised by Wolves: Increase your Wolf’s Honor Rank to 9 by battling evil in Helltide zonesIneffable Draughts: Consume 5 Seasonal Elixirs, Elixir of Momentum or Elixir of Holy BoltsBasic Needs: Temper 5 Affixes onto Gear at the BlacksmithThorn in Hell: Defeat 666 Monsters while at Max Threat Level during HelltidePredator and Prey: Defeat 666 Monsters while Bloodmarked in Hostile areasCapable Craftsmen: Learn 1 Recipe of Rare rarity of higher

The two objectives here that are the easiest to skip will be Predator and Prey and Forsaken Offerings. Predator and Prey requires you to kill enemies in a PvP zone, while marked for other players to attack, which some people might not be interested in doing. Forsaken Offerings requires you to complete enough Whispers to obtain 10 caches, which isn’t hard, but is time consuming enough that you might finish the other objectives first.

Chapter 3 Rewards:

Greater FavorThird Journey Cache: Contains Consumables, such as Sigil Powder and Baneful HeartsThird Journey Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Veiled Crystals and Forgotten SoulsThird Journey Equipment Cache: Contains a Legendary Weapon, Chest Armor, and Boots for your classThird Journey Summoning Cache: Contains Summoning Materials to challenge Bosses in World Tier 3

Chapter 4

You must complete 9 of 11 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 4 Objectives:

Pilgrim of Horror: Complete a Tier 10 or higher Nightmare DungeonBlessing of the Strong: Equip Sacred Legendary items in every slotConfront the Creature: Defeat the Blood Maiden during Helltide in World Tier 3 or higherBaptized in Hell: Defeat 15 Hellborne during a HelltideShards of the Fiends: Collect 5 Scattered Prisms, found primarily from defeating World BossesThe Long Howl: Complete 15 Iron Wolf Events found during Helltide in World Tier 3 or higherMost Dangerous Game: Defeat 15 Elite Monsters while Bloodmarked in Hostile areasSeed to Evil: Collect 15 Baneful Hearts by defeating Hellborne during a Helltide in World Tier 3 or higherStem the Tide: Defeat 666 Monsters while at Max Threat Level during Helltide in World Tier 3 or higherBrink of Madness: Defeat 666 Monsters while using the Profane Mindcage during a HelltideDecent into Delirium: Defeat 666 Elite Monster while using the Profane Mindcage during Helltide in World Tier 3

The vast majority of these objectives are done in a Helltide, so focusing on those will make this chapter go faster. The two skippable objectives are Shards of the Fiends and Most Dangerous Game. Shards of the Fiends requires you to beat world bosses, which spawn every three hours roughly, so you might miss your opportunity depending on when you are playing. Most Dangerous Game is another PvP area objective, which some players might not be interested in doing.

Chapter 4 Rewards:

Greater FavorCaptain of the Wolves EmblemFourth Journey Cache: Contains a Temper Manual and Consumables, such as Profane Mindcages and a Scroll of AmnesiaFourth Journey Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Veiled Crystals and Forgotten SoulsFourth Journey Equipment Cache: Contains a Legendary Weapon, Helm, and Ring for your classFourth Journey Summoning Cache: Contains Summoning Materials to challenge Bosses in World Tier 4

Slayer (Chapter 5)

You must complete 9 of 11 objectives to complete this chapter.

Slayer Objectives:

The Gathering Fires: Acquire 6,666 Aberrant Cinders during Helltie on World Tier 4Damnation’s Downfall: Defeat each of the 5 Helltide Commanders while using the Profane Mindcage during Helltides, summoned after completing Helltide EventsShock and Awe: Defeat Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint in World Tier 4No Mere Mortal: Unlock a Legendary Paragon node after reaching level 50, through using Paragon PointsMephisto’s Bane: Purify 33,333 Seeds of Hatred obtained in Hostile areas at an Altar of ExtractionAlpha Member: Increase your Wolf’s Honor Rank to 15 by battling evil in Helltide zonesForm and Function: Upgrade Gear by adding 5 Sockets to them at the JewelerGuilt: Defeat Echo of Varshan in World Tier 3, summoned beneath the Tree of Whispers with materials from World Tier 3 Whisper CachesAncient Craft: Temper 8 Affixes onto Ancestral Gear at the BlacksmithPrecious Shards: Salvage 100 Ancestral Legendary items at the BlacksmithHeir to Transcendence: Equip Ancestral items in every slot

Once again, many of these objectives involve doing activities in a Helltide, so many will be done simultaneously. The two easiest to skip will be Mephisto’s Bane, the PvP objective, and No Mere Mortal. No Mere Mortal requires a legendary Paragon Node, which will likely take about 15 to 20 Paragon Points to reach depending on your board, so you will likely need to be a few levels past 50 and you might complete the other objectives prior to that.

Slayer Rewards:

Epic FavorSlayer’s Cache: Contains Consumables, such as Runeshards and a Scroll of AmnesiaSlayer’s Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Obducite and Scattered PrismsSlayer’s Equipment Cache: Contains two Ancestral Legendaries and an Ancestral Unique for your classSlayer’s Summoning Cache: Contains Summoning Materials to challenge Bosses in World Tier 4

Champion (Chapter 6)

You will need to complete 10 of 12 objectives to complete this chapter

Champion Objectives:

Not All Who Wander: Defeat 5 Seething Abomination while Bloodmarked in Hostile areasLootmaster: Open 10 Tortured Gifts during a single Helltide in World Tier 4Forgiveness: Defeat Lord Zir in World Tier 4, summoned in Fractured Peaks with Exquisite Blood from World Tier 4 World Bosses or Legion EventsHarbinger of Ice: Defeat The Beast in the Ice in World Tier 4, summoned with Distilled Fear from Tier 30 or higher Nightmare DungeonsAnointed in Blood: Reach Level 90Born in Torment: Defeat 10 Hellborne while using the Profane Mindcage during Helltide in World Tier 4Anguish Ignited: Defeat Echo of Andariel in World Tier 4, summoned in Kehjistan with Materials from The Beast in The Ice and Lord ZirExterminator: Defeat Echo of Duriel in World Tier 4, summoned in Kehjistan with materials from Grigoire and the Echo of VarshanHeritage of Artisans: Learn 1 Recipe of Legendary rarity or higherHoning Craft: Attempt to Masterwork 20 gear at the BlacksmithCleaning Day: Defeat 666 Monsters within 6 Minutes while using a Profane Mindcage during Helltide in World Tier 4Preamable: Complete Artificer’s Tier 1 or higher in The Pit, located at the Artificer’s Obelisk in Cerrigar and activated with Runeshards

This chapter contains several difficult objectives, so you must pick your skips wisely. While most of the summoned bosses will be a bit of a challenge, Exterminator requires you to beat Duriel, who is summoned using materials from The Beast In The Ice and Lord Zir, which are needed for another challenge, so Duriel will be one of the last objectives completed anyway. Once again, Not All Who Wander is a PvP zone focused objective, so that might be a good one to skip too.

Champion Rewards:

Epic FavorMark of the Artificer EmblemChampion’s Cache: Contains a Temper Manual and Consumables, such as Runeshards and Scrolls of AmnesiaChampion’s Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Ingolith and Scattered PrismsChampion’s Equipment Cache: Contains two Ancestral Legendaries and an Ancestral Unique for your classChampion’s Summoning Cache: Contains Stygian Stones and other Summoning Materials to challenge Tormented Echo Bosses

Destroyer (Chapter 7)

You need to complete 7 of 9 objectives to complete this chapter.

Destroyer Objectives:

Blessed Mother Departed: Defeat Echo of Lilith in World Tier 4, remembered in NeveskGlyphmaster: Improve 5 Paragon Glyphs to Rank 15 by completing Nightmare DungeonAlpha of the Pack: Increase your Wolf’s Honor Rank to 18 by battling evil in Helltide zonesDelved Deep: Complete Artificer’s Tier 21 or higher in The Pit, located at the Artificer’s Obelisk in Cerrigar and activated with RuneshardsHoradric Smith: Masterwork Gear to rank 8 at the BalcksmithAnathema: Defeat the Blood Maiden while using the Profane Mindcage during Helltide in World Tier 4The Bigger They Are: Defeat 10 World BossesAnguish Extinguished: Use Stygian Stones to summon and defeat Tormented Echo of AndarielEradicator: Use Stygian Stones to summon and defeat Tormented Echo of Duriel

With this being the final chapter, all of these objectives are both difficult and time consuming, although two are particularly difficult. Blessed Mother Departed and Eradicator both require you to complete the two hardest boss fights in Diablo 4, Duriel and Lilith, on the highest world tier. You will need a basically complete build to take down these fights, so these will likely be the final two objectives completed.

Destroyer Rewards:

Destroyer’s Cache: Contains Consumables, such as Runeshards and Scrolls of AmnesiaDestroyer’s Crafting Cache: Contains Crafting Materials, such as Neathiron and Scattered PrismsDestroyer’s Equipment Cache: Contains two Ancestral Legendaries and two Ancestral Uniques for your classDestroyer’s Summoning Cache: Contains Stygian Stones and other Summoning Materials to challenge Tormented Echo BossesCrafty Player TitleLooter Player TitleDiablo 4 Season 4 Battle Pass Rewards: All Cosmetics, Titles, And EmotesSee More

About James Carr

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