Diablo 4 Season 5: All Seasonal Journey Rewards And Objectives

Diablo 4 Season 5, Season of the Infernal Hordes, has arrived, bringing a new season activity. The new activity is the Infernal Horde, a Vampire Survivors-inspired mode where you must battle it out with an endless onslaught of enemies for a chance at big rewards. There is also a new season storyline and quests to complete and new Seasonal Journey objectives. There are seven chapters of objectives to complete, with a small bundle of rewards to earn for completing each chapter. These chapters cover all activities from level 1 to 100.

Table of Contents [hide]Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Slayer (Chapter 5)Champion (Chapter 6)Destroyer (Chapter 7)

Chapter 1

You must complete nine of 11 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 1 objectives:

Dubious Allegiance: Meet with Istel in Zarbinzet and increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 1Begone Devils: Defeat 100 Demons throughout SanctuaryTest of Mettle: Defeat 5 Elite MonstersSpoils of Hell: Open 1 Tortured Gifts during a HelltideRisk and Reward: Buy 5 pieces of equipment from the Purveyor of CuriositiesInto The Breach: Complete 1 HellbreachTrouble in the Wilds: Complete 3 World EventsTiny Clarity: Upgrade your Potion to tiny at the AlchemistForager: Collect 50 Bundled Herbs from Harvest Nodes, Cellars, or various other sources throughout SanctuaryTanner’s Apprentice: Collect 50 Rawhide from salvaging Armor, defeating Monsters, or various other sources throughout SanctuaryProspector: Collect 50 Iron Chunks from salvaging Weapons and Jewelry, Mineral Nodes, or various other sources throughout Sanctuary

The objectives for Chapter 1 are all basically freebies. You would have to actively try to avoid most of these to not earn them quickly while playing the game.

Chapter 1 rewards:

Greater Favor (battle pass XP)First Journey Cache, contains consumables like Elixirs and Whispering KeysFirst Journey Crafting Cache, contains Crafting Materials like Herbs and Gem FragmentsFirst Journey Equipment Cache, contains a Legendary Weapon and Boots for your class

Chapter 2

You must complete eight of 10 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 2 objectives:

Enemy of My Enemy: Increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 3Ruins Reclaimed: Clear 1 StrongholdDen of Evil: Complete any 5 Dungeons found on your mapSeething Wounds: Complete 5 HellbreachesPath to Strength: Unlock 5 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing DungeonsPrelude of Doom: Defeat 5 Harbingers during HelltideA Master at Work: Complete 1 World Events with MasteryStuff of Legends: Collect 100 Veiled Crystals from salvaging gear at the Blacksmith or other sources throughout SanctuaryExpanded Repertoire: Learn 1 Recipe of Magic rarity or higherMiracles of Alchemy: Craft 5 Elixirs at the Alchemist

Chapter 2 is also mostly composed of objectives that are relatively simple to complete. Three quick objectives to knock out are Ruins Reclaimed, Den of Evil, and Path to Strength. Ruins Reclaimed tasks you with completing a Stronghold, something you will want to do anyway, since some Nightmare Dungeons are locked behind Strongholds. Den of Evil and Path to Strength are directly tied to each other, since completing a dungeon for the first time unlocks a legendary aspect.

Chapter 2 rewards:

Greater FavorSecond Journey Cache, contains elixirs and whispering keysSecond Journey Crafting Cache, contains Crafting MaterialsSecond Journey Equipment Cache, contains a legendary weapon, helm, and ring for your class

Chapter 3

You must complete nine of 11 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 3 objectives:

The Mother’s Chosen: Increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 5Champion of the Lost: Clear 3 StrongholdsCinder Spender: Open 10 Tortured Gifts during HelltidesForsaken Offerings: Obtain 5 Caches from the Tree of WhispersPurging the Infernal: Complete 10 HellbreachesHard Fought Victory: Complete 1 Legion EventsGifts of the Ancients: Unlock 10 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing DungeonsHardened by Battle: Reach level 40Deeper Evil Within: Complete 10 DungeonsCapable Craftsman: Learn 1 Recipe of Rare rarity or higherBasic Needs: Temper 5 Affixes onto Gear at the Blacksmith

Chapter 3 is primarily a continuation of objectives in the previous two chapters, which makes it easier to complete some objectives. Completing Dungeons, Hellbreaches, and Strongholds will all have some progress carried over if you completed the earlier objectives, with the same being true for unlocking Aspects. Forsaken Offerings is one of the more time consuming objectives, since obtaining 5 caches requires you to complete Whispers worth 10 points total five times, which could be time consuming if you aren’t going out of your way,

Chapter 3 rewards:

Greater FavorThird Journey Cache, contains Elixirs and Whispering KeysThird Journey Crafting Cache, contains Crafting MaterialsThird Journey Summoning Cache, contains summoning materials for world tier 3 bossesThird Journey Equipment Cache, contains a legendary weapon, chest armor, and amulet for your class.

Chapter 4

You must complete nine of 11 objectives to complete this chapter.

Chapter 4 objectives:

Against All Hatred: Increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 7Blessing of the Strong: Equip Sacred Legendary items in every slotGrim Claim: Obtain 20 Caches from the Tree of Whispers by completing whispersThe Depths of Fear: Use 5 Nightmare Sigils to create and complete Nightmare DungeonsTouching the Eternal: Unlock 25 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing DungeonsA Deathless Heart: Defeat 10 Aether FiendsThe Way Down: Acquire 5 Infernal CompassesEternal Champion: Enhance Infernal Compasses with Abyssal ScrollsThe Hordes Falter: Defeat the Fell Council in the Infernal HordesGuilt: Defeat Echo of Varshan in World Tier 3Stem the Tide: Defeat 666 Monsters at Max Threat Level during a Helltide on World Tier 3 or higher

Chapter 4 is where you will have moved on to World Tier 3, increasing the difficulty, unlocking Sacred Legendary items, and unlocking the new activity, Infernal Hordes. While there are a few continued objectives, like unlocking Aspects and obtaining caches from the Tree of Whispers, many of these objectives are focused on World Tier 3 activities. You will need to do the Infernal Hordes and completing Nightmare Dungeons is important for powering up your Paragon Board, so the only objective here to ignore if you want to is defeating Varshan in World tier 3, since you might want to save your summoning materials for World Tier 4.

Chapter 4 rewards:

Greater FavorPower and Sacrifice EmblemFourth Journey Cache, contains Infernal Hordes Compass, Elixirs, and a Scroll of AmnesiaFourth Journey Crafting Cache, contains Crafting MaterialsFourth Journey Summoning Cache, contains summoning materials to challenge bosses in World Tier 4Fourth Journey Equipment Cache, contains a legendary weapon, gloves, pants, and ring for your class

Slayer (Chapter 5)

You must complete eight of 10 objectives to complete this chapter.

Slayer objectives:

Through Bile and Brimstone: Increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 12Heir to Transcendence: Equip an Ancestral Legendary in every item slotDamnation’s Downfall: Defeat 20 Helltide Commanders during Helltides, summoned after completing Helltide EventsThis Is No Dream: Complete a Tier 21 or higher Nightmare DungeonTempered by Hellfire: Reach level 75Echoes of the Ancients: Unlock 50 Aspects in the Codex of Power, such as through completing DungeonsStrip Their Souls: Defeat Aether Diends, Aether Lords, and Infernal DemonsCorruption Consumed: Collect 666 Burning Aether from Hellbreaches and Infernal Hordes in World Tier 4Excommunication: Defeat The Fell Council in the Infernal Hordes Tier 2Vanquishing Hell’s Best: Defeat Champion Monsters in World Tier 4

Slayer moves you into World Tier 4, the highest difficulty. Some of these objectives, like completing the Tier 21 or higher Nightmare Dungeon, are very simple to complete, since that’s one of the lowest tiers available in World Tier 4. A lot of these objectives are related to Infernal Hordes, so that is where most of your time will be spent. None of these are particularly difficult, although you might want to skip Echoes of the Ancients, since you may have unlocked all of the Aspects for your class that you want to use.

Slayer rewards:

Epic FavorSlayer’s Cache, contains Infernal Hordes Compass, Elixirs, and a Scroll of AmnesiaSlayer’s Crafting Cache, contains Crafting MaterialsSlayer’s Summoning Cache, contains boss summoning materials for World Tier 4 bossesSlayer’s Equipment Cache, contains two Ancestral Legendaries and an Ancestral Unique for your class

Champion (Chapter 6)

You must complete eight of 10 objectives to complete this chapter.

Champion objectives:

Holding Back the Hells: Increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 17Forgiveness: Defeat Lord Zir in World Tier 4Harbinger of Ice: Defeat The Beast in the Ice in World Tier 4The Gathering Fires: Acquire 6,666 Cinders during Helltide in World Tier 4Collapsing the System: Defeat 10 any Ladder Bosses in World Tier 4The Brink of Madness: Complete a Tier 30 or higher Nightmare DungeonDeath to the Wicked: Defeat The Fell Council in the Infernal Hordes in Tier 3Preamble: Complete Artificer’s Tier 1 or higher in The Pit, located at the Artificer’s Obelisk in Cerrigar and activated with RuneshardsAncient Craft: Temper 20 Affixes onto Ancestral Gear at the BlacksmithInfernal Hordes: Destroy 25 Aetheric Mass in World Tier 4

Champion takes us even further into World Tier 4, with tougher objectives and fights. If you have the materials, the two boss fights in this list aren’t overly difficult, especially if you have a few friends to help you at. Completing the first tier of The Pit is also pretty simple and being able to Master Work your gear will make everything else much easier. If you aren’t interested in running the Boss Ladder, that might be a good objective to skip.

Champion rewards:

Epic FavorThe Gates of Hell EmblemChampion’s Cache, contains Infernal Hordes Compass, Elixirs, and a Scroll of AmnesiaChampion’s Crafting Cache, contains Crafting MaterialsChampion’s Summoning Cache, contains Stygian Stones and other World Tier 4 boss materialsChampion’s Equipment Cache, contains two Ancestral Legendaries and an Ancestral Unique for your class.

Destroyer (Chapter 7)

You must complete eight of 11 objectives to complete this chapter.

Destroyer objectives:

Become the Weapon: Increase Mother’s Gift reputation to Rank 20The Bigger They Are: Defeat 10 World BossesAvatar of Sanctuary’s Might: Equip at least 8 Ancestral Unique items simultaneouslyAnointed Immortal: Reach Level 100Glyphmaster: Improves Paragon Glyphs to Rank 15 by completing Nightmare DungeonsInfernal Challenger: Enhance Infernal Compasses to Tier 8 with Abyssal ScrollsMay They Burn Forever: Defeat The Fell Council in the Infernal Hordes Tier 6Unholy Coffers: Open a Greater Spoils of Hell chest after defeating The Fell Council in the Infernal HordesAnguish Extinguished: Use Stygian Stones to summon and defeat Tormented Echo of AndarielHoradric Smith: Masterwork gear to Rank 8 at the BlacksmithEradicator: Use Stygian Stones to summon and defeat Tormented Echo of Duriel

Destroyer is the final chapter and has some time-consuming objectives to reflect that. While many of these will take a ton of time to work through, there are a few that are good to focus on and a few you could potentially skip. Glyphmaster and Horadric Smith are both great ones to focus on, since increasing your Glyph levels and Masterworking your gear will both make you more powerful, making other objectives easier to complete. The Bigger They Are is a great one to ignore, since depending on what time of day you play, you might not be able to participate in world bosses.

Destroyer rewards:

Destroyer’s Cache, contains Infernal Hordes Compass, Elixirs, and a Scroll of AmnesiaDestroyer’s Crafting Cache, contains Crafting MaterialsDestroyer’s Summoning Cache, contains Stygian Stones and other boss summoning materialsDestroyer’s Equipment Cache, contains two Ancestral Legendaries and two Ancestral Uniques for your classInfernal Player TitleAntagonist Player TitleDiablo 4 Season 5 Battle Pass Rewards: All Cosmetics, Titles, And EmotesSee More

About James Carr

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