Diablo 4: Vessel Of Hatred Trailer May Have Spoiled Its Final Boss

The latest trailer for Diablo 4’s Vessel of Hatred expansion not only highlights all the new features coming to Blizzard’s ARPG, but also what look to be some key story moments as well, including what might be the game’s final boss.

Possible Vessel of Hatred story spoilers below.

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Now Playing: Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Gameplay Launch Trailer

There are two big story beats revealed in the trailer. The first revolves around the Cathedral of Light, which has fractured after the death of Inarius at the end of the base game. Now, a new militant sect called the Burnt Knights is looking to take control, and they don’t seem particularly friendly. In the trailer we see a new character, the Burnt Knight leader Urivar, getting ready to execute someone as his adoring followers cheer him on. It certainly seems like Urivar could be a potential boss fight in the expansion, as the knights blame Neyrelle, Lorath, and the player character for the Cathedral of Light’s defeat in hell and are hunting them down.

With Inarius dead, it’s unclear if the Burnt Knights have a new angel to look towards for guidance, but there is some evidence that players may battle the forces of heaven in Vessel of Hatred. A new Mythic Unique item, Heir of Perdition, coming in the expansion sports an affix that grants “+200% damage to angels and demons.” Players haven’t yet faced angels in Diablo 4, and the item seemingly confirms that players will battle both heaven and hell in the expansion.

As for the other story spoiler revealed in the trailer, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that players will be facing off against Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred. The core story of the expansion revolves around Neyrelle, traveling with a Soul Stone containing Mephisto, as she looks to rid the world of the Prime Evil for good. All the while she is struggling to contain Mephisto’s influence, as her mind becomes slowly corrupted by his malice.

The trailer reveals what might be the game’s final boss battle against Mephisto, one where he has taken the form of a massive, demonic tentacle-wolf. Whether or not this is Mephisto’s final form remains to be seen. Regardless, it is a little surprising that Blizzard would spoil one of the expansion’s climactic showdowns in a pre-launch trailer, even if players were already expecting to do battle with Mephisto in some form. Might that indicate Blizzard has some kind of trick up its sleeve, with Mephisto not actually serving as the expansion’s final boss? It’s possible, but players thankfully won’t have to wait much longer to find out.

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred releases October 8 and will introduce a number of new gameplay systems to the ARPG. As seen in the trailer, recruitable Mercenaries are returning, and a new endgame co-op dungeon coming as part of the expansion will be the first of its kind in Diablo. The expansion will additionally add a new class, the Spiritborn, for players to play as, as well as see the return of Runewords from Diablo 2.

Diablo 4: Vessel Of Hatred Screenshots Showcase Spiritborn Class And New Legendary AspectsSee More

About Cameron Koch

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