Diablo 4's Server Slam Went Surprisingly Well, But Some Fan Criticisms Remain

Diablo 4’s Server Slam event, touted as its final playtest before launch, ran from May 12 to 14. And though it seems that the servers managed to hold up to the slam, fan feedback of the event runs the gamut from wildly positive to quite negative, with players debating some of the key changes on social media like Reddit and Twitter.

For one thing, it’s worth noting how this event was specifically designed to help with launch server load, hence the name Server Slam. However, there seem to be very few players reporting any connection issues or instability, so it’s probably fair to say that the event was a success on that front.

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Perhaps the most controversial element of the server event was its world boss capstone event, Ashava. Several players complained online about its difficulty, though other players expressed positive feelings about the boss event, saying that they’re glad that it offered a stiff challenge. “World bosses are meant to be difficult, people. It’s supposed to be a challenge, ” wrote one fan. Another aspect of the event that polarized fans was the nerf of the necromancer’s summoner abilities, which were considered overpowered during previous beta events.

All-in-all, I think it’s fair to say that the Server Slam was a positive event for Diablo IV, especially on the stability front. It remains to be seen if Blizzard will make more changes ahead of the game’s launch on June 6.

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About Steven T. Wright

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