Diablo IV Adds 6 New Unique Items In Massive Update

Diablo IV‘s first major seasonal update has arrived, and it brings with it six new unique items including one weapon for each class, and one super-rare unique staff. Each of the new weapons will drop starting at World Tier 4.

The most powerful of the new items is the Ahavarion Spear of Lycander, a new Uber Unique staff. When using the staff, killing an Elite enemy will result in a random Shrine effect being applied for 10-20 seconds, with a cooldown of 30 seconds. The developer’s note attached to Ahavarion warns players that the staff is an incredibly rare drop, adding, “we wish you luck in recovering it from the armies of the Burning Hells.”

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Each class is also getting a new Unique weapon as part of the seasonal update, which won’t be quite as rare as the new Uber Unique. Barbarians get the Unique sword Azurewrath, Druids get the Unique one-handed mace Fleshrender, Necromancers have the Unique shield Lidless Wall, Rogues will get the Unique bow Eaglehorn, and for Sorcerers, the Unique wand The Oculus. Each comes with its own unique buff, as listed below:


Unique Sword Lucky Hit – Your Core Skills have up to a 20% chance to Freeze enemies for 3 seconds and deal 0.75-1.5 Cold damage to them.


Unique One-Hand Mace Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl deal 0.5-1.0 damage to Nearby Poisoned enemies.

Lidless Wall

Unique Shield Lucky Hit – While you have an active Bone Storm, hitting an enemy outside of a Bone Storm has up to a 5-25% chance to spawn an additional Bone Storm at their location. Each of your active Sacrifice bonuses increases the chance by 25% and the total number of additional Bone Storms you can have by +1.


Unique Bow Penetrating Shot has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Hitting enemies from behind with Penetrating Shot will make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

The Oculus

Unique Wand Gain the effect of the Teleport Enchantment for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment, you are taken to a random location.

There are also seven new Legendary aspects, including two general ones, and then one new aspect for each class. Here are the details:


Audacity (Utility Aspect): When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun them for 2-4 seconds. This can only occur once every 20 seconds.Craven (Mobility Aspect): You gain 20-40% increased Movement Speed when moving away from Slowed or Chilled enemies.


Ancestral Charge (Offensive Aspect): Charge calls forth 4 Ancients who also Charge, dealing 50-100% of normal damage.


Subterranean (Offensive Aspect): Poison Creeper’s active also casts Landslide in a circle around you. Earth Skills deal 10-20% increased damage to Poisoned enemies.


Gore Quills (Offensive Aspect): Blood Lance will consume Blood Orbs to also conjure lances from them. Each additional Blood Lance deals 20-50% of normal damage and prioritizes targeting un-lanced enemies.


Pestilent Points (Offensive Aspect): Every third cast of Puncture is Poison Imbued with 100-150% of normal potency.


Searing Wards (Offensive Aspect): After spending 200-100 Mana your next Firewall is free to cast and will destroy incoming Small Missiles.

For more on the massive Diablo IV Season 1 patch, check out our full rundown of all the new features, bug fixes, and quality-of-life updates added.

About Hayley Williams

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