Disney Dreamlight Valley is home to a wide variety of lovable characters, including a handful of romantic partners who get to spend time together in your village. One such character introduced in the Thrills & Frills update is Daisy, who happens to be Donald Duck’s sweetheart. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to unlock her so that you can open up her boutique for selling Touch of Magic designs.
How to unlock Daisy in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Daisy can be unlocked by speaking to Mickey and accepting the quest “You Have Mail!” Mickey says he’s received a letter that Daisy is headed back to the valley, but she needs her house set up first.
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Now Playing: Disney Dreamlight Valley – Thrills & Frills Update Trailer
During your chat with Mickey, he’ll ask you to set up Daisy’s house. You can do so by opening Furniture Mode and placing it somewhere in your valley. Afterward, you can interact with the sign in front of the construction site and pay Scrooge McDuck 20,000 coins to fully build the home.
With Daisy’s home built, you can begin her questline, which will ultimately lead to unlocking a very special boutique that revolves around Touch of Magic items.
For more on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guides hub.