The kart racer Disney Speedstorm is adding another member of Disney royalty next month. Minnie Mouse joins as the featured racer for Season 3, which will launch on August 1. A debut trailer, which we can exclusively reveal, shows Mickey’s best girl and small business owner Minnie gearing up in her own racing suit.
Minnie Mouse will be a Brawler-class racer, which means she’ll specialize in attacking other racers and she’ll have better handling than average. Her unique skill will be Helper’s Aura, and you’ll be able to upgrade her using a unique polka dot bow consumable. Once the season kicks off a special event will let you earn her as part of your collection.
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Now Playing: Disney Speedstorm – Exclusive Minnie Character Reveal Trailer
Season 3 is also bringing a number of other additions, mostly revolving around the animated movie Lilo & Stitch. Racers can look forward to a new Lilo & Stitch themed Season Tour, a matching environment, and customization items. There will also be five new racers added to the roster: Stitch, Lilo, Jumba, Captain Gantu, and Angel. Plus, the season will bring new crew members and token packs.
Disney Speedstorm launched in early access in April with a handful of paid bundles that come with different tiers of unlocked racers and cosmetic perks. Gameloft recently announced that it will launch in full on September 28, at which point it will be free-to-play. In GameSpot’s review of the game in its early access period, I wrote that Disney Speedstorm is a rock-solid kart racer and a visual treat for Disney fans, but some of its progression and monetization systems were too obtuse.