Does Call Of Duty: Vanguard Have Cross-Play?

Call of Duty: Vanguard releases this November, and it will be available on both last-gen and current-gen systems in addition to PC. With so many platforms available, this could have caused an issue in the past with fragmenting the community. Cross-play, however, eliminates this issue and takes down the barriers between different console and PC ecosystems.

Does Call of Duty: Vanguard have cross-play?

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Yes, Call of Duty: Vanguard supports cross-play, just like the last few games in the series. This means that you can play on PS4 with someone on Xbox Series X|S and someone else on PC, for example, and with cross-generation support, you will also keep your digital content alongside other statistics and achievements when moving to a next-gen console if it’s connected to the same Activision account. If it’s like the past few games, you should also be able to toggle mixing controller players with mouse-and-keyboard players to get a fairer experience.

Call of Duty: Vanguard is also sort of eligible for cross-buy, but not for every version of the game. If you buy the standard $60 PS4 or Xbox One version, you cannot upgrade to the newer systems’ versions, but you can still play the game on them. However, the $70 cross-gen bundle includes versions for both generations (in the same console family) and will automatically upgrade. On PS4, you can pay later to upgrade the standard game to the PS5 version, though this isn’t the case for Xbox.

Does Call of Duty: Vanguard have cross-progression?

Yes, Call of Duty: Vanguard supports cross-progression across all platforms. Your profile, stats, and digital content come with you between platforms. Going from PS4 to PC will mean purchasing the game more than once, but you should be able to jump back and forth between them at will, provided your Activision account is linked to both.

Call of Duty: Vanguard releases on November 5 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and PC. It comes as Activision Blizzard is dealing with multiple inquiries and lawsuits related to its alleged mistreatment of women.

About Gabe Gurwin

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