Does Halo Infinite Have Campaign Co-op? Not Yet, But It's Coming

Halo Infinite released on December 8, and if you weren’t following the news leading up to its launch, you might be surprised to see the game doesn’t include a cooperative campaign option. However, fear not, as the feature will be in the game–just not yet. So, when exactly can you play Halo Infinite campaign co-op, and why wasn’t it included in the game at launch? We break it all down below.

When is Halo Infinite campaign co-op coming?

The Halo Infinite campaign co-op mode is scheduled to release at the end of Season 1–roughly. This means around May 2022, but no official date has been confirmed and 343 Industries did not guarantee it would hit this date. With the season scheduled to run for several months longer than expected, this means subsequent content will also come later.

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Now Playing: Halo Infinite Campaign Review

It’s not the only campaign feature players are waiting on, either. At launch, Halo Infinite is lacking a mission replay feature, meaning the only way to go through your favorite story moment again is to start an entirely new game. This is also going to change via an update, but it does make skulls a challenge to collect–our Halo Infinite skulls guide can help with that, though.

Why is Halo Infinite campaign co-op not included at launch?

It comes down to prioritizing other content in order to maintain a high quality benchmark. Halo Infinite was delayed a full year after players voiced concern over the unimpressive videos in a 2020 demo, and 343 Industries spent that time making massive improvements. Due to the time spent working on that, however, it didn’t have time to get the cooperative portion in a polished state, and though the team says it’s currently “playable” internally, it wouldn’t be the world-class experience players expect. The same goes for Forge mode, which will arrive one season later than cooperative campaign mode does.

For information on what you can play in Halo Infinite right now, check out our Halo Infinite multiplayer review-in-progress and our full Halo Infinite campaign review.

About Gabe Gurwin

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