Does Modern Warfare 2 Content Transfer To Modern Warfare 3?

Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is nearly here. If you’ve invested any money on Modern Warfare II and Warzone, you might be wondering if those purchases will transfer to Modern Warfare III or if you’ll have to start over.

Thankfully, there is good news for fans who spent their hard-earned money on content for Modern Warfare II or have any unused CoD Points left over. Here’s everything we know about how content from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II works with Modern Warfare III and Warzone.

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Table of Contents [hide]Activision’s new Carry Forward programWhat about CoD Points?Not everything, thoughLevel up in both gamesNo Carry BackHow does Warzone Mobile factor in?

Activision’s new Carry Forward program

Earlier this year, Activision announced a consumer-friendly “Carry Forward” program that allows content purchased for Modern Warfare II to carry forward to not only Modern Warfare III, but also the next evolution of Warzone in the works with a new map.

The Carry Forward program applies to standard weapons and unlocks that you didn’t pay for but instead unlocked through progression. “All Modern Warfare II weapons will be available for Modern Warfare III players,” Activision said. The Carry Forward program also applies to content purchased with real money like Lara Croft or Lilith skins, BlackCell bundles, and everything else. These will all be available in Modern Warfare III.

“If you haven’t played MWII and pick up MWIII, the full complement of MWII weapons will be available, but only after the associated weapon challenges in MWIII are completed,” Activision said, adding that all attachments and camos from Modern Warfare II also carry forward.

There is no waiting period, either, as Carry Forward content will be available in Modern Warfare III at the beginning of Modern Warfare III’s Season 1 at launch.

The in-game store for Modern Warfare II and Warzone includes an icon with a graphic that states that what you’re buying is part of the Carry Forward program. This should make it quick and easy to know if the content you’re about to buy will carry forward to Modern Warfare III.

What about CoD Points?

CoD Points, the premium in-game currency used in Call of Duty games, will transfer from Modern Warfare 2 to Modern Warfare 3. However, you’ll need to be playing MW3 on the same platform as where your existing Points were obtained, meaning you can’t move CoD Points from MW2 on PS5 to MW3 on Xbox Series X, or any other such combination.

Not everything, though

The Carry Forward program doesn’t include everything. Activision said a “small amount” of content from Modern Warfare II won’t make it into Modern Warfare III. First off, any unlocked Wartracks, which is Activision’s term for music track, will not carry forward to Modern Warfare III. Also, as an example, Activision said if Modern Warfare III doesn’t include the Tactical Amphibious vehicle, or a specific piece of tactical or lethal equipment, any skins for them won’t come to Modern Warfare III.

Altogether, Activision said the amount of content from Modern Warfare II that is not usable in Modern Warfare III will be “small.”

Level up in both games

Weapon progression across Modern Warfare II and Modern Warfare III is shared, meaning progress made in one game will be reflected in the other. This is how it also works with Warzone and has worked since Modern Warfare II and Warzone first integrated with one another.

No Carry Back

The Carry Forward program only moves one direction. Any content made for Modern Warfare III will not be available on your account in Modern Warfare II.

How does Warzone Mobile factor in?

Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty Warzone Mobile game will have shared progression across Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, and Warzone. Activision said it “intends” to have all Operators, weapons, blueprints, and cosmetic items available in Warzone Mobile. Player levels, Battle Passes, and weapon progression is also planned to be shared across all three games. Activision said it will announce more details later. Warzone Mobile is set for release in 2024.

For more, be sure to read Activision’s complete and in-depth breakdown of the Carry Forward program.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III launches on November 10, but everyone who preorders can start playing the campaign on November 2; preloading is now live. And while Microsoft now owns Call of Duty, Modern Warfare III is not coming to Game Pass until 2024 at the soonest.

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About Eddie Makuch

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