Doom Eternal Next-Gen Patch Out Now On Xbox Series X|S, PS5, And PC

Doom Eternal’s next-generation patch is finally out for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC, bringing enhanced performance and ray tracing to the high-octane, demon-slaying shooter. The free update will give you three new gameplay modes on consoles, while players on PC can make use of certain features based on their hardware.

On the latest consoles, Doom Eternal can now be played with Balanced, Ray Tracing, and Performance presets. Balanced, despite its name, prioritizes visual fidelity, offering the highest dynamic resolution possible while still sustaining 60fps. Ray Tracing reduces the resolution but offers fully ray-traced reflections, which adds a new visual flair to the action. Performance reduces resolution even more for the game to reach 120fps.

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All three modes are available for Xbox Series X and PS5, while only Balanced and Performance will be offered on Xbox Series S. Additionally, only Xbox consoles will feature Variable Rate Shading and Variable Refresh Rate support. Here’s the specifics for each platform:

Xbox Series X

Ray Tracing Mode running at 1800p/60fpsPerformance Mode running at 1800p/120fpsBalanced Mode running at 4K/60fps

Xbox Series S

Performance Mode running at 1080p/120fpsBalanced Mode running at 1440p/60fps

PlayStation 5

Ray Tracing Mode running at 1800p/60fpsPerformance Mode running at 1584p/120fpsBalanced Mode running at 4K/60fps

On PC, Doom Eternal will also be updated to include ray tracing support for compatible GPUs. If you own an Nvidia GPU, you’ll also be able to take advantage of new DLSS support, letting you reduce the internal resolution for big performance gains.

The Doom Eternal update is free to all owners of the game on the respective platforms and is out now.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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