Dracula's Romanian Castle Is Now A Covid-19 Vaccination Site

Getting a Covid-19 vaccine usually rewards patients with a free sticker and near-immunity to the current worldwide pandemic, but Romania is taking its drive to vaccinate its population a step further by throwing in a free tour of Dracula’s lair.

The 14th-century Bran Castle, which is believed to have been the inspiration for Dracula’s lair in Bram Stoker’s Dracula novel, is being used as a location to administer Pfizer shots as part of the Romanian government’s push to vaccinate 10 million people by September according to the BBC.

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Medics wearing fang stickers on their scrubs are administering the vaccines, which come with free entry to the castle’s exhibit of 52 medieval torture instruments every weekend in May. It’s essentially a historical tour of how more lethal jabs were given out centuries ago.

With tourism having been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, it’s also hoped that this initiative will reignite the industry in Romania, with the castle being thought to have hosted Dracula’s historical inspiration, Prince Vlad “The Impaler” Tepes. With almost half of all Romanians also not eager to get a vaccine according to a recent survey, the country’s government seeks to sway public apathy with a free tour of the legendary castle.

In other Dracula news, Netflix’s Castlevania enters its final season this month. Season 4 of the series arrives on May 13, but Netflix has more plans for the franchise and reportedly has a spin-off in the works.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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