Dragon's Dogma 2 – Claw Them Into Shape Quest Guide

You’ll meet many NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Some of them provide quests and, as you’ll find out later, additional bonuses. One, in particular, is encountered quite early in the campaign. Here’s our guide on how to complete Beren’s quest chain, Claw Them Into Shape, in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Likewise, please be reminded that this guide contains minor spoilers.

Table of Contents [hide]How to complete Beren’s quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Claw Them Into ShapeQuest: Claw Them Into ShapeWhere to find BerenWhere to find swordsWhere to find the recruitHow to defeat Beren in a duelQuest: Beren’s Final LessonBeren’s new locationHow to reach Checkpoint Rest TownMaister Teaching: Warrior – Arc of Might

How to complete Beren’s quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Claw Them Into Shape

Beren is a veteran Warrior who’s training recruits in the Borderwatch Outpost, a small settlement that you visit within the first hour of starting the campaign. While there’s no prompt for it at all, you might want to tackle a certain objective as soon as you’re able to.

Quest: Claw Them Into Shape

Where to find Beren

You’ll find Beren in an area called Moonglow Garden. To get there, follow the western road from Borderwatch Outpost, then turn north at the campsite near the bridge. A few meters past that, you should see a path that leads to a grassy area to the east.

Note that Beren only appears in this area at night. As such, you should rest at the campsite to pass the time.

In any case, speak with Beren and agree to help him with the Claw Them Into Shape quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This mission has several objectives:

Gather three swords.Find a recruit.Defeat Beren by pushing him out of bounds.

Where to find swords

You need to give three swords to Beren to complete this step. Any one-handed sword will do, including relatively cheap ones that are purchased from vendors.

Where to find the recruit

You should meet a boy named Humphrey once you reach the capital of Vernworth. If you walk near the inn or Vocation Guild, he should approach you. Tell him about Beren, and he’ll be off to train with him.

How to defeat Beren in a duel

Once you’ve completed the first two objectives, Beren will challenge you to a duel and you’ll automatically get teleported to the training area in the Borderwatch Outpost. Here’s what you need to do:

You have to push or throw Beren out of bounds. Try to avoid his attacks and wait for an opening. Once he’s been staggered, you can lift him up and throw him out of the circle.If you get pushed outside, you’ll lose the fight, though the quest will still proceed to the next step.If you just keep whacking Beren with attacks (i.e. just senselessly depleting his HP), he’ll get angry since you’re beating him senseless.

Once the duel is over, you’re told that Goblins are attacking the vicinity. Follow Beren and his recruit and take out the hostiles. Upon reaching the end of the pathway, a soldier tells you that a Cyclops has wounded some troops. This mishap causes Beren’s dismissal from the outpost, but that’s not the end of this arc.

Quest: Beren’s Final Lesson

Wait or sleep to let time pass, then return to Moonglow Garden at night. Beren will be there waiting for you. He wants to get revenge on the Cyclops that injured his troops. Suddenly, the Cyclops will appear and attack everyone.

If you’ve already advanced further into the campaign, then there’s really nothing to worry about since the Cyclops is the weakest among all elite monsters. However, if you feel underleveled or undergeared, your best bet is to switch to the Archer vocation. This allows you to shoot the Cyclops’ weak spot–its eye–from further away.

Once the boss has been defeated, speak with Beren and he’ll tell you to visit him again before he leaves. Use the nearby campsite to rest until the next day. Talk to Beren one more time and he’ll give you his own weapon, the Lifetaker greatsword.

Beren’s new location

Now that you’ve finished Beren’s quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2, all that’s left is to visit him in his childhood home, which is located past the large gate in Checkpoint Rest Town.

How to reach Checkpoint Rest Town

Here’s how you can get to Checkpoint Rest Town:

Complete the main quest objectives in Vernworth–i.e. Caged Magistrate, Masquerade/Stolen Throne, and others–until such time that Commander Brant tells you about the Feast of Deception quest (i.e. coronation).Note that the Feast of Deception is a “point of no return” of sorts for certain quests.One missable quest is Readvent of Calamity, which is actually part of an important arc. You can learn more in our Readvent of Calamity guide.When you’re ready, speak with Commander Brant to proceed with the Feast of Deception/coronation. After the cutscene, Brant will give you the Beastren Border Entry Permit.Go to the street in the western part of Vernworth and ride the oxcart to Checkpoint Rest Town.At Checkpoint Rest Town, the guard at the main gate won’t let you pass (as a human character) since the permit is for Beastren only.You have to purchase a Beastren Mask from vendors, so you can have it equipped when talking to the guard.

Maister Teaching: Warrior – Arc of Might

With everything that you’ve done for Beren in Dragon’s Dogma 2, he’ll be quite happy to reward you. As soon as you’re past the gate in Checkpoint Rest Town, walk a short distance down the road.

To your left, you’ll see an old house. This is Beren’s childhood home. Speak with him to obtain a scroll that teaches you the Arc of Might, the ultimate skill for the Warrior vocation.

In any case, that’s all you need to know about Claw Them Into Shape and Beren’s quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you want to know where you can acquire ultimate skills for the other classes, you can head to our Vocation Maisters guide.

Fierce foes and loyal companions await you as you journey onward in Dragon’s Dogma 2. For other tips and strategies, you can visit our guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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