How To Heal In Dragon's Dogma 2

Survival is of utmost importance in Dragon’s Dogma 2. With numerous creatures encountered during your travels, you’re bound to face challenges along the way. Here’s our guide on how to heal in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Table of Contents [hide]How to heal in Dragon’s Dogma 2The Loss GaugeFood, Salubrious Draught, Roborants, and other flasksHealing spellsResting at an innResting at a campsiteResting at the hot springs

How to heal in Dragon’s Dogma 2

There are several ways to heal your character and party members. These include consumable flasks, healing spells, and other implements. But, before we discuss those in detail, let’s talk about the loss mechanic first.

The Loss Gauge

The Loss Gauge is a key mechanic in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Here’s a quick summary:

Health is represented by a green bar at the bottom of your screen (for your character) or on top of nameplates (pawns/NPCs).Whenever you take damage, a portion of the bar will turn black to signify a “loss” in maximum HP. Another portion will appear grey, which means you can only heal up to that amount/threshold.Maximum HP will also be lowered if: Your character falls in battle and you revive at the last checkpoint/autosave (i.e. you do not use a Wakestone to revive).Pawns fall in battle and you revive them.You may only restore your maximum HP up to full if you sleep or use an Allheal Elixir.

Food, Salubrious Draught, Roborants, and other flasks

The most common healing method in Dragon’s Dogma 2 involves the use of consumable items. Examples include:

Fruits, fish, and dried meat – Can be selected from your inventory.Salubrious Draught – Purchased from vendors, looted, or crafted. If you want to craft these flasks, you can do so by combining Greenwarish or Syrupwort Leaf with any kind of fruit.Roborants – These can also be crafted by combining Greenwarish or Mornigtide with dried goods (i.e. meats, fish, or fruits).Allheal Elixir – This very rare type of curative restores all your HP and stamina to full (including max HP loss). It also removes negative status effects.

Healing spells

It’s always a good idea to have a Mage in your party. That’s because this particular vocation has access to the following abilities:

Core skill: Anodyne – Creates a magical aura that gradually heals allies. The restorative effect persists for several seconds even if you only pass through the aura.Weapon skill: Argent Succor – This is an advanced form of Argent Tonic, and it heals a single target over a period of time.

Resting at an inn

Resting at an inn costs gold, but you might as well pay the cost since this fully recovers even lost max HP. Moreover, innkeepers allow you to store items that you don’t need at the moment, which helps manage inventory and carry weight. If you don’t want to shell out cash all the time, you could opt to purchase your own house instead.

Resting at a campsite

We can’t stress this enough, but you should always have at least a couple of Camping Kits with you. That’s because you’ll travel along dangerous roads for prolonged periods, and you’ll likely be in need of rest and recuperation. Camping Kits allow you to use campsites that you see in the wilderness. You can even cook beast meats to gain buffs.

Note that it’s possible to get attacked while you’re at a campsite. When this occurs, the Camping Kit that you just used might get destroyed. However, if you’re using higher-tier variants (i.e. Sand-Patterned or Elite), then you won’t need to worry too much.

Resting at the hot springs

Lastly, it’s possible to rest at the hot springs in Agamen Volcanic Island, which is all the way at the southern part of the world map. Although this only restores your HP up to the grey threshold, you do receive an attack buff.

These are the ways that allow you to heal in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If certain encounters seem to challenging, you might want to know how to revive characters. We also have a beginner’s guide with several tips if you’re just starting out.

Fierce foes and loyal companions await you as you journey onward in Dragon’s Dogma 2. For other tips and strategies, you can visit our guides hub.

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About Jason Rodriguez

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