Dragon's Dogma 2 TGS Gameplay Shows Monsters, Magic, And Camping

Today’s Capcom TGS 2023 Online Program livestream kicked off with new details on Dragon’s Dogma 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2012 RPG.

The segment included new details on character classes, world locations, quests, and more.

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Now Playing: Dragon's Dogma 2 – 9 Minute Gameplay Deep Dive | Tokyo Game Show 2023

Players will start as one of four classes upon beginning their Dragon’s Dogma 2 journey, each with its own combat mechanics and abilities. The four starting classes are as follows:

Fighter, which uses a one-handed sword and shield to inflict melee damageArcher, which focuses on long-range attacks using a third-person-shooter aiming systemMage, which casts spells using incantations, with more powerful spells requiring longer incantationsThief, which focuses on clinging onto monsters and quick attacks with a dagger

The presentation also highlighted the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2, as it introduced the kingdom of Vermund and the canyon nation of Batthal. Townsfolk in and around each city can give the player quests, either by calling to them from a distance or through random encounters in the world.

The segment also unveiled two advanced classes, both mixing magic power with non-magic attacks. The Mystic Spearhead uses a dual-headed spear infused with magic, while the Magick Archer can fire magic-infused arrows from a distance.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 will also employ a day/night cycle, with some powerful monsters appearing only at night. Players who get caught in the wilds at night can deploy a campfire to gain health, speak with companions, and more.

Finally, oxcarts appear in towns and can be used to travel between them. Players can choose to ride out the trip in real-time or “close their eyes” to fast travel, but in both situations the cart can be randomly attacked by enemies.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 will launch for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC, though no specific release window has been announced as of this writing.

About Jason Fanelli

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