Arc System Works, best known for the Guilty Gear series, is working on DNF Duel. It’s a new 2.5D fighting game that doesn’t look all too different from the developer’s flagship franchise.
A brand-new reveal trailer for the game shows off the different character classes in the game, including the Berserker, Inquisitor, Striker, and Grappler. Other than that, there’s not much other information about the game so far, such as which platforms it will arrive on or the release window.
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The game’s director, Ryousuke Kodani, provided some commentary on the game as well. He also worked on Dragon Ball FighterZ, which is another 2.5D fighting game that Arc System Works released in 2018. DNF Duel was actually announced last December but relatively flew under the radar. There wasn’t much to show for it at the time.
The original game in the franchise, Dungeon Fighter Online, is a multiplayer beat’em up type game by South Korean developer Neople. It was inspired by old-school titles like Golden Axe and Double Dragon. Dungeon Fighter Online is one of the most played video games of all time, with over 700 million registered users worldwide.