Duskull Gets Its Flowers In The Pokemon Go Dia De Muertos Celebration November 1

Dia de Muertos, a holiday which is celebrated throughout Latin and South America as a day to honor those who have passed, will be recognized in Pokemon Go with a 34-hour event featuring a special costumed Pokemon.

Duskull will be the featured Pokemon throughout the event, which begins November 1 at 10 AM local time and runs until November 2 at 8 PM local time. Players will be able to find a special variant of Duskull wearing a cempasúchitl crown in the wild, and any players who evolve this special Duskull will receive Dusclops and Dusknoir also donning the crown.

The cempasúchitl flower that makes up the crown–also known in Mexico as flor de muerto, or “flower of the dead”–is a Mexican marigold that is widely associated with Dia de Muertos. Its name comes from the Aztec word zempoalxochitl, meaning “twenty” (zempoal) and “flower” (xochitl) which references its many petals.

The full slate of perks and Pokemon coming in the Pokemon Go Dia de Muertos event is below:

Pokémon DebutsNew costumed Pokémon wearing a cempasúchitl crown DuskullDusclopsDusknoirEvent BonusesThe amount of Candy earned for catching a Pokemon is doubledLure Module active time is increased to 90 minutes.Incense active time is increased to 90 minutes.Collection ChallengeComplete tasks to earn an encounter an Alolan MarowakRewards also include a Poffin and an Incense.Encounters (asterisk indicates a Pokemon with a potential to be a Shiny variant): WildCubone*Chinchou*Drifloon* (rare chance)Duskull (cempasúchitl crown variant)*Litwick*Roselia*Sunkern*Swirlix*Yamask* (rare chance) Players in Latin America and the Caribbean will see increased encounters with featured event PokemonIncense and LureCubone*Drifloon*Duskull (cempasúchitl crown variant)*Houndoom* (rare chance)Roselia*Sunkern*Sunflora*Swirlix*Yamask*Field ResearchCubone*Duskull (cempasúchitl crown variant)*Houndoom* (rare chance)Litwick*Roselia*Raids:One-StarDuskull wearing a cempasúchitl crown*Three-StarDragonite*DruddigonSableye*Five-StarOrigin Forme Giratina*Mega RaidMega Banette*

Pokemon Go is available to download now on iOS and Android devices. The game’s Halloween event will precede the Dia de Muertos event, and it will kick off October 20.

About Jason Fanelli

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