Dying Light 2 Assign Faction Upgrades: What Are They And Which Ones Are Best

A huge part of Dying Light 2 is the importance it places on which faction players decide to support. The Peacekeepers are a militant bunch, hell-bent on fighting back the infected and reclaiming the world. Survivors on the other hand want to simply rebuild in the new world, taking a more passive approach to humanity’s new place on the food chain.

Supporting either through the game’s story carries its own set of consequences, but the only visible differences players will see come from doling out sections of Dying Light 2’s city to each faction. However, these differences can end up impacting the shape of the city overall, as new tools are littered around Villedor for you to use. Here are Dying Light 2’s faction upgrades and a definitive answer on which side you should eventually go with.

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The Peacekeepers, or PKs, in Dying Light 2 are a brutal group that emphasizes order and power above everything else. Its goal is to drive back the infected and reclaim the city of Villedor for the people, no matter what the costs are. As such, supporting the PKs will earn players extra ways to take out the infected and easily turn the tide of any battle.

The first reward that players get from supporting the PKs is a series of car bombs sporadically placed across the streets of their controlled areas. Continuing to support the PKs will give players more offensive tools to use against the undead, like disk-firing turrets and eventually a crossbow players can call their own. Here’s a full list of the Peacekeepers’ faction rewards:

Car Traps: explosive cars are left across the city.Razor Cannon: Turrets that can heavily damage enemies are set up across city streets.Electrical Traps: Area of denial traps that fatally jolt enemies when they go off.Crossbow Pack: The player gets a repeating crossbow of their own, as well as recipes for elemental bolts.Molotov Lanterns: Lanterns are hung up above streets that players can knock down, setting anything below on fire.Pendulum Traps: Massive swinging traps are set up that can take out large groups of enemies at a time.UV Lamps: UV lights are added across Villedor’s streets and rooftops that can subdue infected or interrupt chases.

Survival of the fastest

If you support the Survivors, you’ll find more movement tools instead of traps and weapons. The group wants nothing to do with the undead hordes in the city’s streets, and as such, rewards players with additions to the city that should make hopping across its rooftops much easier.

With one territory under its umbrella, the Survivors will scatter ziplines across the rooftops of Villedor, making it much easier to get around before getting the game’s paraglider. With more support, you can look forward to the group planting airbags on the ground across the city that can be used as jump pads. And in case things go south and you get downed, one of the group’s final rewards lets players revive once for free as long as they’re in Survivor territory. Here’s a full list of the Survivors’ faction rewards:

Ziplines: Ziplines are strewn across Villedor’s rooftops, making travel a breeze.Airbags: Placed on the streets or far below rooftops, airbags can quickly hurl players into the air. Landing Bags: Massive bags are placed on the edges of rooftops for players to tackle, safely bringing them down to the ground.Survivor Revival: A survivor will come and revive players if they go down in the faction’s territory. Air Vents: Opens up more air vents across Villedor, making it easier to paraglide across the city.Upgraded Airbags: The same as normal Airbags, except they shoot players even higher into the air. Two-Way Ziplines: Adds ziplines that players can ride both up and down, making traversal across the city a breeze.

Claiming streets

Handing out territory to factions isn’t as simple as reactivating the windmills scattered across the game’s world, though. Instead, you have to keep an eye out for water towers and electrical substations, both of which can be given to either faction and result in windmills transforming into bases.

Water towers are simple parkour challenges that you can easily overcome as long as you’ve put enough Inhibitors towards your stamina. Electrical substations on the other hand lean more into puzzle territory, having you reroute electricity through different power stations scattered across the sizable buildings. Electrical Substations can also yield a good number of resources for crafting and even some decent weapons. However, if you’re looking for new gear and high-tier materials you’re better off tackling some of Dying Light 2’s night activities.

It’s worth noting though that there aren’t enough of these structures in the game to unlock every reward from both factions. If you want to reach the end of one of their trees, you’ll have to constantly invest in them. I ended up deferring to the Survivors since so many of their rewards aren’t situational. They can be used regularly over the course of the game instead of in fights with hordes of infected or during chases.

About Otto Kratky

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