Dying Light 2 Dev Clarifies Comments About 500-Hour Length

Developer Techland recently generated headlines when it revealed that it would take about 500 hours to fully complete Dying Light 2, and now the Polish studio has further clarified those remarks.

A spokesperson for Techland tells GameSpot that 500 hours is only for a “very specific gameplay style” of seeing and doing absolutely everything the game has to offer to achieve a 100% completion rate.

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“According to our internal QA testing, it takes about 500 hours to see everything the game offers–find every collectible, listen to every dialogue, fetch every Easter egg, finish every possible ending, and visit every corner of the world,” Techland said. “We are fortunate to have a very passionate community of fans who have been returning to the original Dying Light throughout the last seven years and we know they can’t wait to truly lose themselves in our latest work.”

A “focused” playthrough of the game’s main story can be finished in about 20 hours. Everyone plays games differently, so for some, it might take longer than 20 hours and others, it might take less time.

Techland also clarified that, to complete all the side quests, learn about the lore, and speak with all of the game’s characters, this would take around 80 hours. Again, however, this figure will fluctuate depending on play style.

Whatever size Dying Light 2 is at launch, it will grow over time. Techland said it will share a post-launch roadmap for upcoming content in the coming weeks, so keep checking back for more.

In other news, Dying Light 2’s next and final Dying 2 Know livestream is coming on January 13, promising a “huge info drop” for the game.

Dying Light 2 launches on February 4 for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and it will also be available via the cloud for Nintendo Switch. The game is also coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Everyone who preorders the game gets the Reload and the Reach for the Sky packs, which come with special outfits, weapons, and skins. The Reach for the Sky pack specifically was designed in partnership with Rosario Dawson (The Mandalorian) who voices a character in Dying Light 2.

February 2022 is shaping up to be a massive month for new releases. Other games releasing in February include Horizon: Forbidden West, The King of Fighters XV, and Sifu. Also coming that month is Destiny 2‘s Witch Queen expansion and the Saints Row reboot.

About Eddie Makuch

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