Dying Light 2 Fast Travel: How And When You Can Start Using It

Dying Light 2 is built on its foundation of parkour tricks and maneuvers that will have Aiden scaling skyscrapers in ways series fans have never seen before. But sometimes, you may want to skip all that in favor of fast travel. Open-world games like this can have such massive maps that even the fun of traversal can feel secondary to getting from mission to mission at times. Fast travel arrives later than you may anticipate in Dying Light 2, so here’s when you can expect to start using it, as well as how to solve the platforming puzzles related to using it.

How to fast-travel in Dying Light 2

Maybe the next windmill, side quest, or Inhibitor would just be better off completed in a hurry, rather than you needing to stylishly shimmy over to it on the other side of Villedor. In those cases, you’ll want to fast-travel to a Metro Station, as indicated on your map with a train symbol. The game is split into two massive maps, Old Villedor and Central Loop, and though you’ll see Metro Stations around Old Villedor in the early hours, you can’t use them until much late, once you get to Central Loop.

In a typical playthrough, you’ll get to Central Loop about 10 hours into the game, though you could get there sooner if you stay on the critical path. Shortly after you arrive, you’ll be given a mission to clear out the Metro Station near the Fish Eye–a public gathering space for Villedorians. This mission acts as the introduction to unlocking fast travel points.

In Dying Light 2, you can’t just discover a Metro Station to make it a fast-travel point, you’ll need to solve its dangerous puzzle before you can use it. Thankfully, each Metro Station follows a similar structure, so we’ll use one example below to help you understand how they work.

First, descend into the subway and follow the on-screen marker (an orange circle) to the initial power box. You may first need to clear out some infected or renegades. Interact with it and you’ll find several new icons on your UI, all pointing to a floor below you. Descend the nearby elevator shaft to head into the basement and prepare to swing, jump, and wall-run to each of these power boxes, interacting with each of them.

Note that the floor in these areas is often covered in the same yellow toxins that will quickly kill you above ground too, so be careful with that. The point is to treat Metro Stations like a game of Floor Is Lava, never hitting the ground if you can help it–these get much easier as you unlock more parkour skills.

Once you’ve flicked on all power boxes, you’ll get one last prompt to signal the newly functional elevator. It’ll bring you back upstairs to the initial power box and a message on-screen will warn you that turning it on will remove all unclaimed loot in that space, so use this time to open any other trash bins, backpacks, and lockboxes as needed. Once you activate that power box, the Metro Station will be up and running, permanently available as a fast-travel location.

With that, you can travel from A to B not so stylishly, but definitely much faster. Fast-travel in Dying Light 2 also doesn’t simulate travel time, so if you’re hoping to get someplace before the much scarier nighttime portion of the game, you need not calculate how much of your daylight fast travel will burn–it doesn’t burn any! For more on Dying Light 2, here’s how to upgrade weapons, and how to find the all-important Inhibitors.

About Mark Delaney

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